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New Articles and Blogs
See Yourself as Fit Person, No Matter Your Size
Sometimes the difference in whether you gain or lose is how you see yourself.
8/26/2010 5:22:31 AM
Separating Hype from Reality on Menus
Restaurants add long descriptions to entice diners. Real cheese and fresh lettuce become selling points. But shouldn't all cheese be real and all lettuce be fresh?
8/25/2010 11:10:12 AM
Desk Job Got You Down? Try a Desk-Defying Workout
Has your job become a desk sentence? This three-part fitness plan can help improve your posture, reduce back and neck pain and combat the effects of a sedentary job.
8/25/2010 5:00:00 AM
Smart Money Advice for Every Stage of Life
Regardless of your age, it's never too late to get your head on straight about personal finances.
Healthy School Lunch Recipes Your Kids Will Love to Eat
Need some ideas for packing healthy school lunches? We've rounded up some healthy and delicious recipes that your kids will love.
8/24/2010 4:00:00 PM
SparkPeople Members Take on the Hood to Coast Relay
In less than 72 hours, 12 SparkPeople members will be running in one of the most prestigious running events in the world--The Mt. Hood to Coast relay. Come and meet the team!
8/24/2010 6:03:13 AM
The Power of Gratitude
Counting your blessings may be a boon to your health. Here are four ways to foster an attitude of gratitude, even when life hands you lemons.
When Too Much Exercise Becomes a Problem
While some people struggle with simply making exercise a habit, others do too much, taking exercise to an extreme. Find out if your attitude toward exercise is healthy or problematic.
Using Farmers Markets to Tackle Childhood Obesity
A unique program in Massachusetts is using farmers markets to expose low-income children to new fruits and vegetables in an effort to combat childhood obesity.
Meet the Man Who Keeps SparkPeople Up and Running
Meet Josh, our chief technology officer. This father of four has been with SparkPeople since 2001!
8/23/2010 11:02:48 AM
Don't Be a Dry Sponge
Marketing is a powerful tool that influences dieting trends. Has is caused you to be a dry sponge?
8/23/2010 6:00:00 AM
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
In March 2010, the United States Senate declared September as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month in hopes of educating parents of this growing trend.
8/21/2010 10:43:11 AM
Is My Child Destined to be a Worry-Wart Like Me?
My daughter is becoming a worrier like me. For a long time I’ve thought that it was in her genes, but a new study is showing that environment might be a bigger influence.
8/20/2010 10:21:46 AM
Which is Better: Exercising Before or After Breakfast?
Popular thought and experts advise eating before exercise. Does this advice still apply if you exercise early in the morning?
One Healthy Decision Usually Begets Another
Confession: Last week, I was in a funk. Instead of fighting back too hard, I let myself wallow. Within a few days, it had passed and didn't seem so bad in hindsight. Smart plan?
8/18/2010 5:07:07 PM
12 Delectable Ways to Use Eggplant
Looking for some new ways to use eggplant? We've rounded up a variety of healthy and delectable recipes for you to try.
8/17/2010 4:15:20 PM
Could Your Weight Affect How You React to Food Cues?
A new study found that a person's weight might influence his or her physiological response to food.
8/17/2010 12:00:00 PM
VIDEO: How to Improve Your Home's Indoor Air Quality
If you suffer from allergies or asthma, maintaining a pollution-free home can be a challenge. Follow these simple steps for a healthier indoor environment.
VIDEO: 10-Minute Stretching Routine for Runners
Coach Nicole created this 10-minute flexibility routine to target the key muscles that runners use most.
Meal Planning Basics
You can learn to create healthy nutrient rich meals you love by putting one piece together at a time.
8/16/2010 1:10:46 PM
dailySpark Year Three: Putting 'Life' in Healthy Living
Happy Anniversary, dailySpark. You've come a long way, baby, since those early posts back in mid-August 2008. See what surprises we have in store for you this year.
8/16/2010 5:00:04 AM
''I Overcame Grief and Self-Doubt by Running''
This SparkPeople member turned to fitness to help deal with her mother's death—and gained so much more during her journey.
6 Scary Truths about Personal Trainers
If you've ever wondered why many people have had bad experiences with personal trainers, this list will help explain it--and advise you on what to watch out for.
8/13/2010 6:00:00 AM
Bidding Adieu to 'The Last Supper' Mentality
Before you start a "diet," do you binge on a food because it will be off limits? I sure did, until I joined SparkPeople and gave up the all-or-nothing mentality.
8/12/2010 11:46:09 AM
Can You Trust the Calories Listed by Restaurants?
More and more restaurants are including calorie information on menus and display boards. A recent study reveals the accuracy of the information could be questionable.
8/12/2010 5:00:00 AM
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