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New Articles and Blogs
Beginner HIIT Exercises Even You Can Do
HIIT's reputation is that it is designed for the very fit and only those looking for a maximum challenge. If you're just starting out, does that mean that HIIT isn't for you? Certainly not.
5 Ways to Socialize Without Derailing Your Weight-Loss Goals
If you've ever talked yourself out of a birthday party, Super Bowl party, backyard BBQ or any other social event for fear that the high-calorie temptations would be too much to handle, you're not alone. Discover five strategies for socializing smarter so you can have a life and still lose weight!
Escape Your Snack Rut With 30+ Healthier Ideas
Don't become a vending machine victim! To help you become a smarter snacker, we polled members and experts for their favorite nutritious things to nibble between meals.
Your One-Stop Smartwatch Shopping Guide
Thinking about investing in a smartwatch to fast-track your fitness? Here's what to know before you buy.
Could Posting ''Flaws and All'' Photos Boost Your Confidence?
There's a movement happening on your news feed: Real men and women are pulling back the curtain on those perfectly posed photos. One member shares why she thinks its courageous.
6 Kitchen Items That Might Be Making You Sick
Are you unknowingly making unhealthy choices in the kitchen? From the pots and pans you cook with to the soap you wash with, consider these simple swaps that could make your kitchen a much healthier place.
5 Exercises to Skip If You Experience Hip Discomfort
Just 7.1 percent of Americans suffer from hip pain, but it might surprise you to know that hip discomfort can be the cause of ongoing back and knee pain. Learn how to avoid exercises that aggravate hip pain and discover five better exercises for healthier, pain-free hips.
Should You Add Pond Scum to Your Diet?
It might not seem appetizing at the beach, but there are claims that blue-green algae (otherwise known as pond scum) could deliver a powerful health boost.
SparkPeople Editors Share 11 of Their Favorite Items That Help Them Live Well
From bug Wipes to blenders, the SparkPeople editors have tried it all in the name of living a healthy lifestyle. Discover the products they love--you might love them, too.
Your 10 Most Embarrassing Running Questions, Answered
You know you've been wondering...
now you don't have to ask, because we gathered the answers to all the running questions that make you squirm!
5 Ways Grocery Stores Are Helping You Get Healthier
Today's grocery stores are more than just food and beverage repositories. Find out how your local supermarket could help you lead a healthier lifestyle!
11 Weight-Loss Rules Meant to Be Broken
When not even your
work and willpower are making a dent in your goals, it could be time to bend—or even break—some of the rules.
16 Ways to Grow Your Diet With Plants
Want to ditch the dairy and incorporate more plants into your diet for your health? These 16 tips can help you get started today.
Home Scale vs. Doctor Scale: Which Is More Accurate?
Ever weighed yourself at home, then stepped on a doctor's scale and found it to be a few pounds different? What's the skinny on scale accuracy between your bathroom and the exam room?
6 No-Salt Added Ways to Flavor Your Food
Are you the kind of person who reaches for the salt shaker at every meal? Believe it or not, there are other, better, healthier ways to flavor your foods. Discover six healthy salt swaps recommended by registered dietitian Toby Amidor.
Better Than Store-Bought: Granola Bars
Why spend granola bars when you can make your own for less? Use this basic recipe to recreate your favorite crunchy granola bars at home.
8/9/2017 2:00:00 PM
Burn More Calories in Less Time with HIIT
If you want to take your calorie burn and fat loss to the next level—without spending more time in the gym—HIIT could be your secret fitness weapon.
5 Yoga Poses to Do Before Bed and 5 to Wake You Up
Having trouble drifting off to dreamland, or leaving it when the alarm goes off? Try these 10 soothing yoga poses for a smoother transition to and from sleep.
Outfit the Whole Family With These 9 Functional Hiking Shoes and Sandals
Swap your heavy hiking boots for a pair of these lighter (yet still rugged) hiking shoes and sandals and take off on a warmer-weather outdoor adventure your whole family will enjoy.
What Do You Wish People Knew About Being Overweight?
People who have never been overweight or obese can't grasp the day-to-day struggles of living with those extra pounds. We asked some members to share their stories.
Best Iced-Coffee Drinks for Your Waistline
We found the nine iced coffee choices to keep you cool this summer without increasing your waistline. Including drinks from Dunkin, Starbucks, MacDonald's and more!
8/6/2017 10:00:00 AM
This Video About Healthy Eating Is so Funny Because It's Painfully True
Frustrated by conflicting dietary news reports that seem to change daily? Fear not--you're not alone. This hilarious sketch about a time-traveling dietitian will brighten your day.
40 Things to Do Instead of Eat When You're Bored
Ever caught yourself snacking and realized you're not even hungry? If boredom is eating up your goals, try some of these fork-free distractions.
Can Sweat-Inducing Methods Really Accelerate Weight Loss?
Do products that promote sweating and turn up the heat really help keep those pounds off for good? Let's find out if these four products really deliver and are even safe to try.
6 Fun-Filled Hula Hoop Exercises for Better Fitness
Hula hoops have been around for years, but what was once a child's toy is now taking the fitness industry by storm as a fun way to get in some good exercise.
8/1/2017 12:00:00 PM
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