10 Healthy Tips from a Marathoner Mom

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Making significant healthy lifestyle changes—and maintaining them for the rest of your life--might seem next to impossible at first. But don't worry! At SparkPeople, we believe in taking small and manageable healthy steps that eventually become lifelong habits. Our sponsors at Meta also believe that small changes can lead to good things, and they even have a name for it: the Meta Effect. When you make a healthy choice like taking the stairs or eating a Meta Health Bar for a snack, you may continue to make good choices to keep the streak going.

We've talked to several people just like you who have changed their lives through this step-by-step approach--and now, they're sharing their secrets with you in this success story series! First up, meet Melody, a hard-working mom who has made small, lasting changes to help her family stay healthy. Her healthy journey has been a long one (over 7 years from the beginning until now), but her determination and hard work has paid off--and her husband and kids are now reaping the healthy benefits with her!

As a busy mom, it must be hard to fit in exercise some days! What are some of your favorite ways to sneak in small bits of activity throughout the day?
I homeschool my children, which means we work hard throughout the day on our studies. When we need a rest, we like to have a short "brain break" where we get up and get our bodies moving. We have crunch competitions, do jumping jacks, run in place, toss a ball, or even sprint to the end of our road. It gets our blood flowing and helps my kids get a quick break for their brains so they can focus better.  
Love the "brain break" idea! On top of the exercise, what small nutrition tweaks have you made to help you eat better and get healthier?
When I first started my health and wellness journey, I decided from the start that I was not going to cook separate "diet" food for myself while my family ate something different. So, I dusted off my recipe books and started learning to make meals we all could enjoy. I taught myself to cook from scratch with fresh, colorful foods. I let my kids pick healthy recipes they wanted to try, and we started keeping a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter and fresh veggies in the fridge for snacks. We even went to a nutritionist together as a family, where we learned about correct portion sizes and healthier food choices. 

 Sounds like you're doing a great job of teaching your kids healthy habits early on! When it comes to motivation, what's your mantra that gets you through a tough workout (or a rough day)?
I have a few things I say to myself! My favorites are:
You can do this!
Make it to the sign. Great--now make it to the next one!
The burn is weakness leaving the body
Nothing lasts forever
Lead by example

It's great that you've cut out fast foods and couch time. What small changes have you and your family ADDED to your routine for a healthier, happier life?
We've added loads of healthy veggies and fruits to our diet--some we'd never even heard of before. Jicama makes a great snack or addition to a salad. Spaghetti squash has become a family favorite, and starfruit is fun and sweet. We've added so many wonderful foods that we rarely miss the ones we've given up! 
We've also added in a lot more fun active time. My boys run with me, and they love the brain breaks during our school day. We even train together for local races that we participate in as a family. We also all have pedometers now. There is nothing more exciting than watching my 9-year-old jump up and down saying, "MOM!!! I JUST HIT MY STEP GOAL FOR TODAY!"
It sounds like staying active is a big part of your family's life. What's your favorite way to exercise?  
I have come to love a variety of different activities! I own a variety of workout DVDs that I rotate, I LOVE swimming and kayaking, and I also enjoy biking, hiking and, backpacking trips. As active volunteers with Boy Scouts of America, my husband and I are counselors for several of the active merit badges (i.e. swimming, hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, and camping). As a family, we really enjoy setting new goals to accomplish together. 
With your family's crazy schedule, you must eat on the go a lot! What are some of your favorite healthy snacks that keep you full when you're in a rush?
Some of my favorites are fresh apples, celery with peanut butter, Meta Health Bars, bananas, hummus and fresh veggies, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, carrots and yogurt. All of these snacks keep me full and satisfy my hunger in a healthy way.
How do you manage to keep a positive outlook when times get tough?
My aunt struggled with health issues and before she passed away, she encouraged me to take care of my own health. So when times get tough or slip-ups happen, I look back on what my aunt taught me and remind myself that each choice I make today paves the road for my children. During tough times, I remind myself that I don't want my health to control me, and that by gaining control, I am helping those around me learn to do the same.  

What's your go-to motivational technique when you don't feel like eating healthy or working out?
I look at myself in the mirror and remind myself that I really don't want to go back to where I started. Most days, I start off by getting dressed in my workout clothes. That way, I am ready from the start. On rainy, gray days when it is hard to get outside to work out, I make sure to set up my fitness DVDs so they are ready to just hit play, or I schedule a time to go to the gym with my hubby. I find that once I get started, I begin to feel better and I love the feeling after completing a good workout. 
How has your life changed since you started making small changes to get healthier? What can you do now that wasn't possible before you started your journey?
When I started this journey, I lived life through the TV and struggled with keeping up with my kids. A walk to the mailbox made my asthma flare up. I was afraid to try anything that might be a challenge. I had no energy and hated the woman in the mirror. Today, I run races with my kids, and I go hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and more with my son's Boy Scout troop. I am a certified lifeguard. I am living life instead of watching everyone else live it! I now look for challenges instead of hiding from them in fear.  
What's the biggest lesson you've learned along your healthy-living journey? 
This is a lifelong journey. Life happens, and I've gained and lost with my fair share of yo-yos and plateaus. I've made the poor choices and felt regret. I've had to start over more times than I can count. Bad days still happen to me and I forget (or ignore) the systems I've put in place to keep me on track. But, regardless of all of that, the one thing that keeps me coming back is that I am always learning. Each struggle that comes my way is a new challenge I must face to find that healthier me. This is not a journey I travel alone. My faith, family, and friends all play a very important part in this journey. I've been told by more than one person that I am such an inspiration because I can honestly say that I've been there, I've done that, and I made it through. This journey isn't about losing weight. It's about discovering who the real Melody is.  

Way to go, Melody! Stay tuned for more stories from real people who have experienced their own Meta Effect.

This series is brought to you by Meta, a SparkPeople sponsor. This SparkPeople member received Meta product to sample and opted into the Meta Influencer Program.