10 Tips to Live Better Right Now

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Making significant healthy lifestyle changes—and maintaining them for the rest of your life--might seem next to impossible at first. But don't worry! At SparkPeople, we believe in taking small and manageable healthy steps that eventually become lifelong habits. Our sponsors at Meta also believe that small changes can lead to good things, and they even have a name for it: the Meta Effect. When you make a healthy choice like taking the stairs or eating a Meta Health Bar for a snack, you may continue to make good choices to keep the streak going.

We've talked to several people who have changed their lives through this step-by-step approach--and now, they're sharing their secrets with you in this success story series! Meet Rebecca, a fan of walking, Pilates and playing with her grandchildren. We love her realistic outlook and positive approach to healthy living! 

What are some of your favorite ways to sneak in small bits of activity throughout the day?
 I love to take my dog for a walk down the hill and back.  It's a quick 10-minute walk.  (Rebecca's got the right idea-- just 10 minutes of fitness per day can help you make big changes to your health! Find out how here.)
What small nutrition tweaks have you made to help you eat better and get healthier?
I've cut out cookies and sweets and have instead opted for nuts, fruit, or veggies. I also make sure to drink my fiber supplement, Metamucil, daily that makes me feel less hungry between meals.* (Fill up with these ideas.)
What's your mantra that gets you through a tough workout (or a rough day)?
"If it's to be, it's up to me!" (Find your own motivational mantra here.)
Love your mantra—so true! What small changes have you ADDED to your routine for a healthier, happier life?
I make time to get outside every day to enjoy the sun and play with my grandchildren. (Getting outside is good for you! Here's why you should try to soak up more sunshine.)
It's important to do activities you enjoy to help you stick with an active lifestyle. What's your favorite way to exercise?
I'm a big fan of walking, hiking and Pilates. (Curious about Pilates? Give it a try!)
What are some of your favorite healthy snacks that keep you full on the go?
Meta Health Bars!! I love those bars! (Need more on-the-go snack ideas? Check these out!)
How do you manage to keep a positive outlook when times get tough?
I try to remember to start each day in a "happy way," and it usually carries me through. Tough times are only temporary. (Come on, get happy! Here's how.)
What's your go-to motivational technique when you don't feel like eating healthy or working out?
I think about how much better I will feel by staying on track with eating right and working out. When I'm craving something, I eat a Meta Health Bar to help satisfy my hunger as a healthy snack and help me stay on track. (Don't feel like working out? Check out these tips to fire up your motivation!)
How has your life changed since you started making small changes to get healthier? What can you do now that wasn't possible before you started your journey?
I make sure to walk at least 10 minutes every day. Since walking more, my knees have been feeling so much better just by making that small commitment. Now, I can walk up and down the hill without much effort. (Exercise doesn't have to be intense to be effective! Here's how a simple walk can help boost your health.)
What's the biggest lesson you've learned along your healthy-living journey?
Never quit! I quit once, and then I had to work what seemed to be twice as hard just to get back to where I once was. (Don't let one "off" day derail your progress! Here's how to stay the course, even when times get tough.)

Inspired to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle? Check out The Small Changes Challenge and Thrive 365 Center to get started!

This series is brought to you by Meta, a SparkPeople sponsor. This SparkPeople member received Meta product to sample and opted into the Meta Influencer Program. 
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.