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A Fun Family Fitness Exercise

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Have you thought about how great it would be to include your family in your pursuit to exercise more regularly? Family exercise will improve the health of your loved ones, make exercise more fun, and at the same time develop stronger connections between all of you. With a little creativity, you can find a way to make it work for everyone.
Fitness Tip
Combine exercise with those dreaded household chores. Gather some small pieces of paper; on each, write down either one chore or one body weight exercise. Put the papers into two different hats, one for chores and one for fitness. Have everyone pick one of each. Maybe Dad gets to clean the bathroom and do a set of squats every few minutes until he is finished, while one of the children is cleaning the kitchen and doing forward lunges, etc—the combinations are endless. Mix it up with yard work, seasonal chores, and even some aerobic components like jumping rope.

Some fitness ideas to try: pushups, crunches, jumping jacks, running in place, single-leg squats, lunges, high knees, stretches, and step-ups.

See our exercise demos for more fitness ideas.

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