Birdie Shares a Giant Thank You and Motivational Message

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Last week was Birdie Varnedore's time to shine. First, the 35-year-old SparkPeople member was featured in People magazine--in her bikini. Then, she went on Good Morning America to talk about her 140-pound weight loss--and she even mentioned SparkPeople.

Her whirlwind trip to New York behind her, Birdie has returned to her normal life in Orlando, as a neurologist and mother of five. As a way to say thank you for all your support and to answer your questions, Birdie wrote a guest blog post for the dailySpark. (She told us that she would love to answer each SparkPage comment, SparkMail and dailySpark blog comment personally, being a doctor and a busy mother of five doesn't leave much free time--especially when you're keeping up with regular strength and cardio workouts.

Before you read Birdie's heartfelt thank you and her brief interview with the dailySpark, check out this new video of her. ABC did a follow-up interview with Birdie and two other women who also lost 100-plus pounds and were featured in People, so be sure to click here and watch that!
By Birdie:

I wanted to thank everyone for all of the kind and positive comments. I am now certain that I made a good decision to come forward with my weight loss success. Unfortunately, I am back in the middle of my busy life right now. I'm working full time, trying to work out, and attempting to spend quality time with my husband and all of my children. I am going to read through each and every one of my comments and emails, but it will likely take me some time. The kids are all asleep now. I've worked a full day and I got in 40 minutes of cardio. I'm still tired from going to New York, but it was a successful day. Once again, thank you. Thank you! Thank you!

I did want to touch on the topic of motivation. SparkPeople really does have all of the tools you need to lose and maintain weight loss. What I mean by tools is that you can find out how many calories you need to eat per day and how to balance your nutrition. SparkPeople does have great emotional support as well, but sometimes that's not enough. I believe that I had an advantage in that I had/have a great support system. I have delegated many, many things in my life. For example, I do not do my own laundry. I do very little housecleaning as well. Obviously due to my work schedule, I have to arrange for childcare for my children. The list goes on. What does this have to do with motivation? Well... stress needs to be minimized in order to get to a place where you can even think about a selfish goal such as weight loss. Selfish? Well, it is in a way. But, it's a good selfish because it pays back to everyone that you took from. So, for example, the time that I spent working out and being selfish means that I can now outlast my kids when spending a day at an amusement park.

I've got to share a story. A few years ago, my husband and I took our kids to Sea World here in Orlando. We probably made it about two hours before we got in the car and headed home. Our oldest kids were devastated. They didn't understand why we were leaving so soon. We left because I was hot, sweaty, out of breath, and my thighs were rubbing together so hard that it hurt. I couldn't do it anymore. Sad but true. I'm sure others can relate. I was the mom that ruined all of the fun because I got too tired.

Back to motivation. The point is that you need support before you can even think about motivation. So, ask for help. Delegate responsibility. Ask your husband if he will watch the kids while you work out. Hire a high school kid to help you clean the house or do the laundry. Get creative. Finding the time doesn't have to involve money. Ask friends for advice. Perhaps they can see some opportunities to simplify your life that can't see. Sometimes someone looking from the outside in can get a clearer view of the picture. You have to clear the path. Make some room for your lifestyle change.

I do want to be a source of motivation. But, I am still learning how to maintain my weight. I still read almost all of my SparkMail. If not that day, I will read it at another time. I still read the entries in the dailySpark. I still read every SparkPeople Success Story that I can find. I will never stop seeking inspiration.

So, keep Sparking everyone. I'm in the trenches Sparking with you. Birdie

In addition to that inspirational message, Birdie gave us the scoop on what her trip to Good Morning America was like!

dailySpark: What was it like to meet Diane Sawyer?

Birdie: What you saw is what you got. I don't really feel like I met her. But, I admit I was totally not thinking about her at all. I was petrified that I was going to do something (for lack of a better word) stupid in front of millions of people. So, all I can say is that I was pretty nervous. As for Diane Sawyer...I do have to say that she has incredible legs.

dailySpark: What was your favorite part of your entire experience?

Birdie: I would have to say it was meeting new people. It was exciting to meet Rachael and Heather, the other women from the article that also lost over 100 pounds. They were very interesting and very real women who also have incredible stories to tell.

The behind the scenes look at Good Morning America was also pretty cool. There were household faces just walking around the halls at work just like normal people. I feel honored to say that I have been able to go into the GMA studio.

I also had a great time just hanging out with my husband, Nick. Time alone is precious and we enjoyed having a new experience together.

dailySpark: How did you stay on track when you traveled?

Birdie: Can I say that New York is cool! They have calorie counts on the menu at many restaurants as the result of a statewide law! Just like nutrition labels on food, I expect that one day calorie counts in restaurants will be a (nationwide) law as well. It's probably many years away, but I can only hope that it's sooner.

I found a cool item that was right under my nose. I've seen this before, but assumed it was off limits. Thanks to the NY law I found Starbuck's spinach, roasted tomato, egg and feta wrap for breakfast. It was listed at 270 calories in NY. So, paired with my SHORT skinny vanilla latte with 2 Splendas, it was delicious and a calorie bargain! Thanks, New York!

I went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for lunch. The calorie counts were on the menu and the options were extremely poor. Most dishes were over 1,000 calories. I opted for a shrimp salad listed for about 550. I left a little on my plate hoping that I had about 400 calories.

I ate dinner another restaurant one night. No calorie counts on the menu! I had to improvise. I opted for barbecue chicken without the cheese and bacon and a plain baked potato instead of fries. I also split a grilled chicken salad with my husband as an appetizer. I had light dressing on the side. I didn't do dessert there. Options were horrible. I actually went to a drug store on the way back from dinner and picked up a pack of jelly beans worth about 200 calories.

I had a cheat meal in New York as well. I won't go into details, but I didn't count calories. So far I've been able to do this about 1-2 times per week and maintain. I'm keeping an eye on my indulgences, just to make sure I'm getting away with it.

Exercise was in the form of walking. We walked for miles and miles. It worked because I came home weighing less than when I went. So, it was a very successful trip!

dailySpark: Have people recognized you on the street?

Birdie: No. But, I've signed a few pictures at work!

If you missed Birdie's appearance in People magazine or on GMA, be sure to read these blog posts.

You can also watch her original video here! (Birdie is the second of three women featured in the video, and at the end of the segment, she shares her favorite SparkRecipe! Thanks in part to Birdie, Slow-Cooker Salsa Chicken is atop the popular recipe list on SparkRecipes.)

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