''Healthy Living Is the Journey, Not the Destination''

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Making significant healthy lifestyle changes—and maintaining them for the rest of your life--might seem next to impossible at first. But don't worry! At SparkPeople, we believe in taking small and manageable healthy steps that eventually become lifelong habits. Our sponsors at Meta also believe that small changes can lead to good things, and they even have a name for it: the Meta Effect. When you make a healthy choice like taking the stairs or eating a Meta Health Bar for a snack, you may continue to make good choices to keep the streak going.

We've talked to several people who have changed their lives through this step-by-step approach--and now, they're sharing their secrets with you in this success story series! Learn how Jeremy changed his life one bite, one step, and one motivational mantra at a time. Go, Jeremy! 

What are some of your favorite ways to sneak in small bits of activity throughout the day?
I work a typical desk job, and I can go hours without moving if I don't make a conscious effort to do so. To help break up the day, I set hourly reminders to get up and move, even if it's just to walk in place for a couple minutes. To add even more activity, I take less direct routes to where I'm going, like using a restroom on another floor or taking the long way to a conference room. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a given.
What small nutrition tweaks have you made to help you eat better and get healthier?
I've become more committed to preparing most of my own meals and eating more frequently throughout the day. Yes, it takes a bit more time to pack a lunch and snacks to take to work, but when I know exactly how much I'm going to eat throughout the day, I can avoid periods of craving and crashing, and I can more easily stay within my calorie range. To help save time, I make a weekly meal plan so I know what I need to pack for the day. I also try to plan to make slow-cooker meals on days when I have a busy evening. I always cook extra so I that I can pack the leftovers as single servings to quickly grab and go.
What's your mantra that gets you through a tough workout (or a rough day)?
When I work out, I listen to music that helps me reflect upon my life. Some of my favorite mantras come from my workout playlist. 

I also focus on some quick, one-liner motivational quotes to keep me going. My current favorites are: "The easiest way to start over is to not quit in the first place," and "Suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret."
Healthy living shouldn't be about deprivation! What small changes have you ADDED to your routine for a healthier, happier life?
I have added a lot of variety to what I eat. I really enjoy food, which contributed to my weight issues. But by planning ahead and making healthy recipes, I am able to eat exciting meals that are delicious and nutritious, and I really love doing it. I don't ever think of myself as on a diet. Instead, I look at each meal or snack as a chance to better my health, try something new and really enjoy what I eat. 
It's important to do activities you enjoy to help you stick with an active lifestyle. What's your favorite way to exercise?
I really like exercising with others. I need the social aspect of exercise to stay motivated. Whether I'm participating in a fitness class at the gym or just meeting someone for a walk, having other people around me who are committed to an active lifestyle helps me stick with my commitment to an active lifestyle.
What are some of your favorite healthy snacks that keep you full on the go?
My favorite on-the-go snacks come conveniently pre-packaged. I'll pack bananas, apples or a couple of clementines when in season. When I was chosen to sample Meta products, I also found Meta Health Bars to be a great healthy snack that is easy to grab on the go. One bar is the perfect snack to help satisfy my hunger.
All of my snacks are thought out ahead of time. I don't want to have to rely on vending machines or gas station snacks, which are almost always of questionable nutritional value. I try not to let myself get too hungry to prevent going overboard at my next meal. 
How do you manage to keep a positive outlook when times get tough?
I try to remember that change takes time. I remember that there will be setbacks, bad choices, plateaus, aches, pains and times I just don't want to continue. I remember that it took many years for me to become as unhealthy as I was when I started this journey. I can't possibly expect to achieve a healthy lifestyle overnight! Instead, I focus on smaller goals that will all add up to long-term change, like eating within my daily calorie range, getting 30 minutes or more of activity and drinking more water. Then, I make sure to celebrate major milestones, like moving my belt down a notch.
What's your go-to motivational technique when you don't feel like eating healthy or working out?
First, I examine the reason why I don't feel like eating healthy or working out. Am I pushing too hard and burning myself out? Did I not get enough sleep to work out properly in the morning? Sometimes, I need a day to step back and re-charge. I know it's not a free pass to throw everything out the window and undo everything I'm working for. Instead, I might need some extra rest or to enjoy a slice of birthday cake. I take time to remember that improved health is about the long-term changes.

But I also look at whether my lack of motivation to eat healthy or work out is a real reason or just an excuse. Real reasons are something to address--injuries, time commitments, etc. Excuses are just my mind trying to resist change: It's too dark, too cold, too early. I don't allow much room for excuses.

How has your life changed since you started making small changes to get healthier? What can you do now that wasn't possible before you started your journey?
I have become a morning person! I'm busy, and I can't always control how late I work or what activities might come up in the evenings. However, I can control when I go to bed and when I get up. By going to bed a bit earlier, I've been able to consistently get up early enough to work out on days when I don't have other meetings. It took several weeks of the snooze button and forcing myself to get up and go. But now, getting up is easier than sleeping in!
What's the biggest lesson you've learned along your healthy-living journey?
"Healthy living is the journey, not the destination." The journey is going to have highs, lows, challenges, changes, plateaus and setbacks, but it will always continue, no matter what form it takes.

Inspired to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle? Check out The Small Changes Challenge and Thrive 365 Center to get started!

This series is brought to you by Meta, a SparkPeople sponsor. This SparkPeople member received Meta product to sample and opted into the Meta Influencer Program.