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Recipes for the Great Outdoors

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Each summer my family unplugs from our 21st century lifestyle by visiting the great outdoors, including a few camping trips. One of the highlights is eating a meal that we prepared and cooked over a campfire. Many campgrounds have fire pits with built-in grills, but we've also used small gas-powered units or cooked directly on the coals. The key is to have fun working, eating, and making memories together. We've gathered recipes that are healthy and simple to prepare below. 

Chef Meg's Cheesy Grilled Banana Peppers

Campfire Chicken Packets

E-Z Campfire Salmon

campfire chili

Katie's campfire stew

Campfire Jambalya

Camp Fire Potato Sacks

Mountain Pie Chicken Wrap (Camping)

Mountain Pie Breakfast Wrap (Camping)

Campfire Quiche

Mountain Pie Chocolate Peanut Butter in a Cloud (Camping)

Campfire Banana Boat

BONUS SparkPeople Cookbook Recipe: Chef Meg's Campfire Crisp
What tips and tricks can you share for cooking in the outdoors? What is your favorite camping recipe?
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