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Stuff We Love: The 'Body Groove' Workout DVD

By , SparkPeople Blogger
So you think you CAN'T dance?

Do you feel like most workouts don't work for your size or physical limitations?

Or maybe you simply don't like to follow structured workouts like classes or DVDs?

I promise you that this DVD will change that. It's the most innovative workout I have ever seen. Ever. I don't use those words lightly, and I've never used them before today.
Misty Tripoli's Body Groove: Delicious Dance DVD belongs in every exerciser's collection. Whether you love to dance or hate it. Whether you're super fit or just starting out. Whether you have mobility issues, physical limitations, or are the epitome of health. Every single person can enjoy and benefit from this DVD. Find out why everyone who has tried it at SparkPeople loved it so much—including one tester who (formerly) hated dancing and workout DVDs in general!
Forget what you think you know about dancing, moving and exercising. Watch this preview from the Delicious Dance DVD and then we'll talk.

(For even more video previews from the DVD, check out
"EVERYONE can dance and everyone has their own unique expression, dance or way of moving!  Once we get past the fear that we look stupid or uncool and begin to celebrate the awesomeness of how our bodies move, we can begin to love our bodies and our own unique expression of movement." – Misty Tripoli
The preview above touched on the philosophy behind Body Groove, and showed one of the actual workout segments on the DVD. As you can see, it's a unique approach to exercise that:
  • Allows the follower to choose their own intensity, range of motion and movement
  • Has no "right" or "wrong" way to follow along
  • Doesn't dictate when to move or what foot to start with
  • Lets you express yourself without fear of judgment
  • Encourages you to move in a way that feels right to you
  • Works the body in multiple different angles and motions
Misty is so encouraging and approachable throughout, and her style of cueing is about listening to yourself: doing what feels right for you that day, changing that the next day, and allowing for a variety day after day. I think these workouts (the DVD includes five programmed segments varying from 24-39 minutes long, or you can program your own workout using individual segments that are 5-10 minutes each) are perfect for exercisers of all intensity levels and mobility levels because it's so easy to do whatever works for you.
I enjoy choreographed dance or aerobic workouts because I have a background in dance. But I do not feel comfortable doing dance classes in public or even dancing at a party or club. And even though I like learning and mastering a routine on a DVD, I usually get bored with it after a few tries. In contrast, this DVD allows me to "groove" in my own way, which is empowering but just plain fun, too! I don't have to think as hard while I work out (which is a nice change of pace), and I can make it different every time I try it. If I want to go easier, I can. If I want more intensity, I can choose to turn it up. If I want more ideas for how to move, all I need to do is watch the dozen or so dancers on the DVD with Misty. Every time I do the DVD it's just as fun and engaging as the first time. And I never have to feel uncomfortable or silly for not being able to keep up or grasp a move.
I gave a copy of "Delicious Dance" to three others to try. Here's what they said:
Tanya, SparkPeople's Healthy Eating Expert
"When I first tried aerobics classes in college, I knew that group fitness classes weren't for me. Exercising in a group made me feel uncomfortable about my physicality and musicality. I'd focus so much on watching the instructor, trying to perfect the timing and movements, that I'd feel my stressed out. I usually feel the same way about workout DVDs. I usually don't like following the leader or being told how or when to move.
"Knowing how much I dislike group workouts and DVDs, Coach Nicole introduced me to the Body Groove DVD. After watching the demo I was intrigued because the approach seemed more focused on movement and connection with the body and less about doing it perfectly. I LOVE this approach and format! Misty Tripoli encourages you to move in a way that is comfortable, at the intensity level that works for you. She engages all the parts of your body to increase not only range of motion, but body awareness, too. I have done this DVD several times a week since receiving it a few weeks ago, and love pushing myself in new ways each time I try it. There is no right or wrong way to move or follow this DVD, and that's something that I can appreciate! I already feel more confident!"
Rachel, V.P. of Finance and Accounting at SparkPeople
"I have a background in dance, so I was instantly attracted to this DVD. It is super fun and easy to follow.  The format seems really innovative to me—I'm surprised no one has done this before.  Misty Tripoli does a great job showing the basic steps and then leading pretty simple choreography.  Maybe this sounds boring, but it is not!  I felt completely comfortable 'dancing' the steps all around my room and working up quite a sweat.  The intensity is up to you.  I found that my workout time flew by!"
Beth (~INDYGIRL), SparkPeople member and dailySpark blogger
"This DVD is very engaging and the variety of movements was great. Most of the movements could be modified to suit one's needs while standing, or by sitting on a stability ball or in a chair if you have mobility issues. Even though the participants on screen were standing and moving more freely, they provide tons of great ideas for moving your body even if you have limitations or pain during exercise like I do."
Misty Tripoli's Body Groove: Delicious Dance retails for $39.99, but for a limited time (to coincide with this review) it will be available for just $19.95 on If this DVD sounds intriguing to you, I'd order now (or add it to your holiday wishlist) before the prices goes up again! I can't say enough good things about how amazing this DVD truly is!
DVDs reviewed were provided for free from Body Groove at our request. Photo courtesy of
Did you enjoy the video preview above? Does the Body Groove exercise style and philosophy appeal to you?