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Lunge & Twist with Medicine Ball Exercise

Lunge & Twist with Medicine Ball

Starting Position Stand with legs hip-distance apart, toes pointed forward, back straight and hands holding a medicine ball right in front of your chest, elbows bent. Take a big step forward, keeping upper body as straight as

Action INHALE: Bend both knees, lowering your body and back knee toward the floor, while pressing the medicine ball forward in line with your shoulders (straightening but not locking elbows).

EXHALE: Holding medicine ball in front of you and keeping legs and knees stationary, twist from your waist toward the right.

INHALE: Twist back to center, facing forward.

EXHALE: Straighten legs and pull medicine ball back in front of chest to return to starting position and complete one rep.

Complete all reps on one side and then switch. On other side, twist to the left.

Special Instructions Take care to keep your back straight (without leaning) and front knee in line with ankle during lunge.

Muscles Worked: Quads, Glutes, Shoulders, Obliques