Printable Workout: Day 3 Bootcamp

This is the printable version of our Bootcamp Day 3 Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Bent Over Rows

10 reps

Sit at the edge of a chair with your feet flat, knees above the ankles, abs engaged and dumbbells in each hand. With abs engaged, bend over to rest your torso on your thighs, releasing weights down towards your feet (palms facing inward), head and neck in line with the spine.

Exhale and row the weights up towards your shoulders, squeezing your shoulder blades together and reaching your elbows toward the ceiling.

Inhale and slowly return to the start position to complete one rep.

Single Arm Biceps Curls

8 reps per side

Sit at the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor and wider than the hips. Hold one dumbbell in your left hand as you place your left elbow on the inside of your left thigh.

Inhale and lower the weight down until your arm is mostly straight.

Exhale and curl the weight back up towards your shoulder to complete one rep. Finish all reps on left side and then switch sides.

"Pec Deck" Squeeze with Overhead Press

8 reps

Sit at the edge of a chair with your feet flat, knees above the ankles, abs engaged and dumbbells in each hand. Lift weights up, palms facing outward, so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Exhale and bring your elbows together in front of your body, as if squeezing your chest muscles together, keeping arms high.

Inhale and bring elbows back out to the starting position.

Exhale and push the weights straight overhead, keeping elbows just slightly bent.

Inhale and lower weights back down to the starting position to complete one rep.

Triceps Dips with Chair

10 reps

Place your hands at the edge of the chair in an overhand grip and walk your feet forward so that your weight is balanced between your hands on the chair and your feet on the floor. Keep arms close to the sides of your body and elbows pointing back.

Inhale and bend your elbows (to the back, not to the sides) so that you body lowers towards the floor.

Exhale to straighten your arms and push back up to the starting position to complete one rep.

Modified Pushups

10 reps

On your mat, place hands under your shoulders, knees to the floor and body in a nice straight line with the abs engaged.

Inhale and bend the elbows to lower your body towards the floor.

Exhale to push back up to complete one rep.

Don't forget to stretch!