Printable Workout: Day 6 Bootcamp

This is the printable version of our Bootcamp Day 6 Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Chair Pushups

8 reps

Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a chair seat, legs extended behind you, abs engaged, body in a straight line, and weight in the balls of your feet.

Inhale and lower your whole body down as your bend your elbows out to the sides.

Exhale and push back up to complete one rep.

Single Arm Rows

8 reps

Hold one weight in your left hand, palm facing your body, arm in line with the shoulder and your left leg extended behind you, right knee bent, right hand on your right thigh for support, abs engaged and back straight.

Exhale and row the weight up in line with the shoulder, bending your elbow behind you and squeezing your shoulder blade towards your spine.

Inhale and slowly lower back down to complete one rep. Finish all reps on this side and switch.

Hammer Curls to Overhead Press

8 reps

Stand tall with feet wider than the hips, abs engaged, one weight in each hand, palms facing inward.

Exhale and curl the weights to your shoulders (keep palms facing each other) and then push the weights straight up over the shoulders.

Inhale and lower the weights back down to the shoulders, and then release your arms back down to the start position to complete one rep.


3-Way Shoulder Raises

4 sets

Stand tall with feet wider than the hips, abs engaged, one weight in each hand, palms facing outward.

Exhale and lift your arms out to the sides like a "T" while palms are in a "thumbs up" position.

Inhale to lower back down.

Exhale and lift your arms up to the shoulders, at a 45 degree angle from the body while palms are in a "thumbs up" position.

Inhale to lower back down.

Exhale to lift your arms up to the shoulders, straight in front of the body while palms are in a "thumbs up" position.

Inhale to lower back down to complete one set.


Mini Rows

8 reps

Stand with knees slightly bent, back straight (but slightly pitched forward), one weight in each hand, and arms down to your side, palms facing in.

Exhale and pull the weights straight up as your elbows bend, pointing back behind you.

Inhale and slowly lower to back down to complete one rep.

Triceps Extensions

8 reps

Stand with knees slightly bent, back straight (but slightly pitched forward), one weight in each hand, and arms down to your side, palms facing in. Bend the elbows so the weights are lifted and your elbows point back.

Exhale and extend at the elbow, as if reaching your pinky fingers towards the ceiling behind you.

Inhale and bend the elbow, keeping the upper arm stationary, to complete one rep.

Straight-Arm Triceps Lifts

8 reps

Stand with knees slightly bent, back straight (but slightly pitched forward), one weight in each hand, and arms down to your side, palms facing in.

Exhale, keeping arms straight, and lift your arms up and back, as if reaching your pinky fingers towards the ceiling behind you.

Inhale and lower back down to complete one rep.


8 reps

Stand with knees slightly bent, back straight, abs engaged, one weight in each hand. With abs pulled in tight, slowly bend forward from the waist until your back is straight and parallel to the floor (or as far as you can go with a straight back). Pull your weights up as high as you can away from the floor and towards your chest, palms facing back and elbows up.

Exhale and punch your right arm forward (palm up) and left arm back (palm down).

Inhale and return to the starting position.

Exhale and punch your left arm forward (palm up) and right arm back (palm down).

Inhale and return to the starting position to complete one rep.


Don't forget to stretch!