Printable 20-Minute Dumbbell Workout

This is the printable version of our 20-Minute Dumbbell Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Squat with Overhead Press
15 reps



Stand with your feet wider than your hips, toes turned out, abs in, and dumbbells at shoulder height.  Bend the knees to squat straight down, and straighten the knees to push back up as you lift the dumbbells up in line with your shoulders, palms facing forward.



Don't bend forward from the waist.  Keep abs pulled in and dumbbells in line with your shoulders.



Exhale as you push up and inhale as you lower down.



Stationary Lunges with Biceps Curls



15 reps



Stand with your left foot forward, right foot back, and one weight in each hand. Keep your shoulders down, abs in, and your elbows tucked into the sides of the waist. Bend the knees to lunge straight down as your curl the weights in towards the shoulders. Straighten the legs to push back up and lower the weights down.



Don't lean forward—lunge straight down. Make sure your forward knee stays in line with the ankle.



Exhale as you push up and inhale as you lower down. Repeat on opposite side.



One-Arm Dumbbell Rows



15 reps



Stand with your right leg forward (knee bent) and left leg back (leg straight). Place your right hand on your thigh and hold one dumbbell in your left hand. Engage the abs and lean forward from the waist slightly, keeping the spine straight. Lift the weight up towards your shoulder, keeping your arm close to the body, your elbow pointing back.



Think about pulling your left shoulder blade towards the spine as you lift the weight.



Exhale as you lift the weight and inhale as you slowly lower it down. Continue to the next exercise before switching sides.



Triceps Extensions



15 reps



Stand with your right leg forward (knee bent) and left leg back (leg straight). Place your right hand on your thigh and hold one dumbbell in your left hand. Engage the abs and lean forward from the waist slightly, keeping the spine straight. Lift the dumbbell just slightly so that the elbow is bent. Keep the upper arm still as you extend the arm, lifting the weight back (bringing your pinky towards the ceiling) and then slowly release to the starting position.



The only movement during this exercise should come from the elbow bending and extending.



Exhale as you extend (lifting the weight) and inhale as you bend (returning to the start position.) Repeat these 2 exercises before moving to the exercise below.



Seated Torso Twist



15 reps



Sit tall on a mat with your legs bent, heels on the floor, abs engaged. Hold one dumbbell in front of you. Keeping the spine straight, lean back slightly until you feel your abs engage. From there, twist your waist to the right, back to the center, to the left and back to the center to complete one rep.



Make sure your spine is straight and the movement comes from the waist.



Exhale as you twist to each side and inhale as you transition through the center.






15 reps



Lie flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat, arms crossed in front of your chest, and abs engaged. Use your abs to crunch up, lifting your shoulder blades off of the mat, and slowly lower back down. 



Exhale as your crunch up and inhale as you lower down.






15 reps



Lie flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat, arms at your sides, and abs engaged. Keeping your weight in your heels, lift your hips up towards the ceiling and slowly lower down. 



Keep you abs engaged to protect your lower back.



Exhale as you bridge up and inhale as you lower down.  



Double Leg Lifts



15 reps



Lie on your left side, arm extended to support your head and neck, and body in a straight line. Place a light dumbbell between your feet for added resistance (optional). Squeeze your legs together and lift both legs up, and then slowly lower them back down.



Work through a small and controlled range of motion. Don't let your torso or arm come up off the floor.



Exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower back down. Repeat on the opposite side.



Modified Pushups



15 reps



Place your hands a little wider than the shoulders and lower to your knees. Make sure the body is in a straight line, with your abs engaged. Bend the elbows to lower down into your pushup and extend the arms to push back up.



Keep the body as straight as possible when lowering and lifting back up.



Exhale as you push up and inhale as you lower down.



Back Extensions



15 reps



Lie on your stomach with your legs extended and your hands placed behind the ears, elbows bent.  Lift the chest away from the mat, keeping your head and neck in line with the spine and slowly lower back down. 



Don't let your legs lift off the floor.



Exhale as you lift up and inhale as you lower down.



Upward Dog Stretch


Hold for 10-30 seconds

Push yourself back onto hands and knees. Slowly lower your hips down towards the floor and slightly extend legs. Pull shoulders down and look up towards the ceiling.
Breathe deeply. 



Child's Pose Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds

Starting on hands and knees, turn your toes under and shift your body weight back, over your heels. Extend arms forward, relax through your shoulders and neck, and reach through fingertips.

Breathe deeply.



Oblique Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Sit tall, extending your legs in front of you, relaxing your shoulders down. Bend your left leg, bringing it towards your chest, placing your foot flat on the floor. Wrap your right arm around your left leg as you twist to the left side, lengthening the spine and placing your left hand behind you.



Hold and breathe deeply. Move to next stretch before switching sides.



Seated Glute Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Bend your right knee, placing your foot flat on the floor. Cross your left ankle at your right knee, placing your hands behind you for support. Gently bring your legs towards the torso and lean slightly forward from the waist. 



Breathe deeply. Repeat these two stretches on the opposite side before moving on.



Shoulder Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Engage the abs and bring your left arm across your chest, holding it below the elbow. Keep the shoulders relaxed down and away from your ears.

Breathe deeply. Repeat on opposite side.



Triceps Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Sit tall with your legs crossed in front of you. Engage the abs and bring your left arm overhead, placing the palm on the center of your back and supporting the elbow in your right hand.



Breathe deeply. Repeat on opposite side.



Upper Back Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Engage the abs and extend your arms up toward the ceiling.  As you squeeze your shoulder blades together, pull the elbows down and back. 

Hold the stretch and breathe deeply. Repeat one more time.



Forward Bend Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds



Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Place hand on the floor. Relax your head and neck down and bend forward, walking your hands forward as far as you can.



Hold the stretch and breathe deeply.



Slowly roll the spine back up to finish your workout.