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New Articles and Blogs
A Friendly Fitness Challenge for Fall
Are you ready to kick your fitness (and weight loss) into high gear? Then join us for a 4-week workout challenge during the month of September!
8/31/2012 6:00:00 AM
Hair Care Basics
Looking your best doesn’t have to be difficult—just start from the top with healthy, shiny, manageable hair. Here are some basic ways to help your crowning glory look its best.
Confession: I'm Still Learning to Put My Health First
Are you stubborn about going to the doctor? I was, too--until I got a wake-up call that made me rethink my priorities.
8/30/2012 2:00:00 PM
4 Family Dinners For $10 or Less
Eating smart doesn't have to break the bank--here are 4 dinner ideas to prove it.
8/30/2012 10:00:00 AM
I Won't Be a Victim: The Importance of Self-Defense
After a scary incident, Coach Denise reflects about her safety. Find out what happened and what you can do to protect yourself!
8/30/2012 6:00:00 AM
What Really Matters in Your Yoga Practice
Today I want to share with you a few short lessons I've gleaned from my years on the mat. I share these both as encouragement for you and as reminders for myself.
8/29/2012 2:00:00 PM
The Most Accurate Way to Measure Your Metabolism
If you're doing everything right, but aren't losing weight--maybe it's not your fault. A simple metabolism test may be the key to getting your body back into weight-loss mode.
8/29/2012 6:00:00 AM
How to Teach (and Learn) Self-Control as a Parent
If you're a parent, you've probably experienced your share of frustrating temper tantrums. Here's how to keep your cool when your child gets heated.
8/28/2012 10:00:00 AM
Your 5-Minute Full Body Stretch Routine
My tendency to skip stretching after runs has come back to bite me in the past. I've had a few running injuries that could easily have been avoided, had I been stretching.
8/28/2012 6:00:00 AM
Motivation Monday: What Are You Thinking Today?
''Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right.'' --Henry Ford
8/27/2012 10:00:00 PM
Is the Jamba Juice New School Smoothie a Healthy Choice?
It is back to school time and new school lunch plans are in full swing. Learn about a new drink product that might influence your lunch planning.
8/27/2012 10:00:00 AM
How to Safely Buy Medicine Online
Look out for these four important features before you fill prescriptions on a website.
8/27/2012 6:00:00 AM
Workout Tips for New Parents
When you're a new parent, it's difficult to juggle all of your responsibilites and still find time for fitness. Here are a few tips on how to do it!
8/26/2012 2:00:00 PM
Food Showdown: Which DQ Entree is the Bigger Calorie Bomb?
Which end-of-summer splurge is the "lighter" choice--a bacon double cheeseburger, or a fried chicken basket?
8/25/2012 10:00:00 AM
8 Ways to Beat Insomnia
We've all had those frustrating nights where, despite our best intentions, we're just unable to fall asleep. Try these tips the next time you find yourself unsuccessfully counting sheep.
8/24/2012 5:37:00 PM
Travel to Italy at Dinnertime This Week
Shake up dinnertime with a culinary tour of Italy. No fatty Alfredo or loaded lasagna here--just healthy, tasty comfort foods!
8/24/2012 2:00:00 PM
Creative Cardio Workout: The Machine Mixer
Don't drudge through another boring cardio session! Add fun and boost your fat burning with this speedy and simple technique!
8/24/2012 6:00:00 AM
How to Keep Your Child Safe in Cyberspace
It's the end of the school day: Do you know where your child is? Chances are, he's probably on the Internet. Here's how to keep your family safe from potential online dangers.
8/23/2012 10:00:00 AM
How to Keep Exercise from Zapping Your Energy
Do you find yourself hitting an energy low during your workouts? If so, find out what may be causing it and how to give yourself a boost.
8/23/2012 6:00:00 AM
Taste Test: Hot Sauce
With so much talk about hot sauce, we had to taste test all the popular varieties for ourselves. We got our mouths fired up for this spicy taste test. Find out who topped our list.
8/22/2012 2:00:00 PM
Behind the Scenes of Coach Nicole's SELF Photo Shoot
Coach Nicole shares the secrets she learned and photos she snapped during her 3-day magazine shoot for SELF. Find out what it's really like on the a fitness photo set!
8/22/2012 6:00:00 AM
How to Eliminate Muscle Cramps
Do you experience cramps, either from exercising or everyday activities? Here are some tips to combat the problem.
Tempted by the Latest Fitness Gadget? Do Your Homework
A new survey investigated the research supporting magazine advertisements and websites for a broad range of sports products. The results might surprise you.
8/21/2012 6:00:00 PM
VIDEO: 17-Minute Arm Sculpting Barre Workout
Get the dancer’s arms you’ve always wanted with this fun barre video!
10 Ways to Eat Healthier at the Office
Sure, the office can be full of temptation--but your workplace can actually be a place that supports your healthy lifestyle. You just have to know how to
the system. Read on for 10 ways to do just that!
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