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New Articles and Blogs
Would taxes on junk food promote healthier eating?
Can taxing soda and junk food help end the obesity epidemic?
3/11/2010 5:42:53 PM
Which Strategy to Reduce Salt Would Work for You?
We know we need to lower our salt intake but the question is always how to accomplish our goal.
3/11/2010 12:41:20 PM
The Secrets of Success: Get Cooking
During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
3/11/2010 6:00:00 AM
Weigh-In Secrets from the SparkPeople Coaches
At SparkPeople, we advise our members to use a variety of measures to check their progress. But do our experts put their own advice into practice? Find out!
March is Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month
March marks the 7th annual Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month. Learn more about this condition, the risk factors involved as well as preventive measures to take.
3/10/2010 3:01:27 PM
The Secrets of Success: Sneak In More Exercise
If you want to lose weight, a few workouts a week may not be enough...
3/10/2010 6:05:06 AM
15 Simple Truths about Food
It's time to clean out the fridge, toss the food myths into the trash and replace them with honest-to-goodness truths about the food we eat.
3/9/2010 3:38:00 PM
The Secrets of Success: Make A Plan
During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
3/9/2010 6:00:00 AM
How SparkPeople Employees Squeeze in Quick Workouts
Find out how the staff--everyday people just like you--squeeze workouts into their jam-packed days.
Let's Celebrate Registered Dietitian Day
Learn how to find the best source of practical, affordable, and accurate nutrition information.
3/8/2010 1:00:00 PM
The Secrets of Success: Mix It Up to Keep It Off
People who vary their workout routines tend to get better results than those who don't. Discover the two BIG reasons why it works--and learn how to do it yourself.
3/8/2010 6:08:20 AM
The Secrets of Success: Start Small to Achieve Big Results
During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
3/7/2010 6:00:00 AM
The Secrets of Success: Move It to Lose It
The idea that exercise aids weight loss is nothing new. But how much do you really need? Find out how much successful "losers" really did to drop the pounds.
3/6/2010 6:08:02 AM
See SparkPeople Success Stories in First for Women*
Learn how four SparkPeople members made small changes to lose more than 100 pounds each!
3/5/2010 3:00:00 PM
Senior Playgrounds Offer New Exercise Options
Who says that playgrounds should be just for kids? London's Hyde Park area is set to open a new outdoor playground specifically geared toward older adults.
3/5/2010 10:00:00 AM
The Secrets of Success: Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
3/5/2010 6:00:00 AM
The Secrets of Success: Take the 'Work' Out of Your Workouts
Why do so many of us trudge through workouts that we don't enjoy? Learn to love working out (yes, it's possible!) and you'll be an exerciser for life! Here's how.
3/4/2010 6:13:50 AM
Who Dat Sparkers Take on the Mardi Gras Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half-Marathon
Spark members traveled across the United States and Canada to run and walk a race of a lifetime. Come share the journey with us.
3/3/2010 2:55:40 PM
The Secrets of Success: Be A “Goal-Getter”
During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
3/3/2010 6:00:00 AM
'Diabetes was My Wake-Up Call to Lose 100 Pounds'*
If you're a fan of the Dr. Oz show, you might soon recognize SparkPeople member Jill Knapp, aka Bluesky97. She shares her secrets in an episode that airs tomorrow.
3/3/2010 5:00:00 AM
Are You Eating More Because of Health Claims on Food Labels?
Low fat. Reduced calorie. All natural. Zero transfat. Are food labels making these health claims causing more overeating?
3/2/2010 6:10:39 PM
10 Portion Control Pointers
Portion control is essential to eating healthfully and losing weight. Where do you start? With these 10 tips!
3/2/2010 4:53:00 PM
Confession: I'm A Napper
It's true- I LOVE to take naps. That's why I was interested to read a new study that claims and afternoon nap might refresh the brain's capacity to learn, making you smarter.
3/2/2010 2:03:46 PM
The Secrets of Success: Don't Skimp on Strength Training
Did you know that people who reach their weight-loss goals are twice as likely to pump iron as those who are "stuck" on a plateau? Find out why!
3/2/2010 6:00:00 AM
VIDEO: 5-Minute Booty Firming Workout with a Foam Roller
Use this short workout to tone your butt and thighs without lunges or squats! After just five minutes, you WILL feel the burn and notice tighter and firmer muscles over time.
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