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New Articles and Blogs
Envisioning Your Future with a Collage and Some Friends
When she realized that there was no SparkTeam devoted to the Vision Collage, one SparkPeople member created her own. Find out why she feels so strongly about these collages.
4/5/2010 10:46:36 AM
Does Your Family Have Healthy TV Habits?
Television can provide benefits to your family if evaluated and used in a healthy way.
4/5/2010 5:56:35 AM
Can Weight Affect Your Ability to Taste Fat?
New research is exploring the relationship between your taste buds and your waistline.
4/2/2010 6:27:12 AM
Could you be addicted to junk food?
There's no longer any doubt: if you're a lab rat, you can become addicted to junk food. But what if you're human?
4/1/2010 6:00:46 PM
Your Chance to Be an 'Expert,' Help a New Member
A new member is on a budget and a tight schedule. We turn the tables and let
be the experts and offer her advice.
4/1/2010 2:00:00 PM
Does Relaxation Require a Special Drink?
Relaxation drinks are becoming more prominent but are they right for you?
4/1/2010 6:20:37 AM
Fun, Fit and Flavorful Easter Basket Goodies
There are more ways to celebrate Easter than with candy eggs and chocolate bunnies. Think outside the basket with these healthy ideas!
Flip-Flops May Not Be So Bad After All
According to a recent study, flip-flops may not be to blame for knee issues in those suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee.
3/31/2010 4:00:00 PM
Do You Follow Good Running And Walking Etiquette?
I always seem to notice things other runners do that get on my nerves. I think there's a basic code of etiquette all runners (and walkers) should follow.
3/31/2010 10:12:33 AM
Inspirational Stories: The Cab Ride
"I don’t think that I have done anything more important in my life..." Author Kent Nerburn shares his inspirational story about an unforgettable cab ride.
3/31/2010 6:03:53 AM
4 Secrets of Calorie Counting from a Top Food Blogger
Tina Haupert is one of the nation's most popular food bloggers. She lost 20 pounds about five years ago--and has kept it off. Now she's sharing some of her best tips.
3/30/2010 10:27:56 AM
VIDEO: Test Your Sleep Smarts
Find out how much you really know about sleep, and get expert tips fall asleep more soundly.
FlyLady Dishes on How Less Junk Means a Smaller 'Trunk'
The dailySpark has partnered with Lisa and Chris from Today they're bringing us a podcast with FlyLady, the organizer extraordinaire!
3/29/2010 10:00:00 AM
Are You Driven?
Have you ever wondered what motivates you or where motivation comes from?
3/29/2010 5:29:08 AM
VIDEO: 100-Calorie Snacks
100-calorie snack packs are convenient, but will they keep you full? Find out which snacks have the most filling power.
The Week's Best Health Stories
We've rounded up links to some of the week's top healthy living headlines.
3/28/2010 11:22:50 AM
Confessions of a Yoga Dropout
When do you reach the point where you should stop trying to force yourself to do something you just don't like?
3/26/2010 1:00:00 PM
Do Vacations Really Make You Happier?
Ever since my first trip with kids, I've revised my expectations about vacations. Now new research is measuring how vacations affect overall happiness and how long it lasts.
3/26/2010 7:21:49 AM
Milk Really Does Do Your Body Good
With essential vitamins, minerals, and high quality protein learn why it is part of a healthy eating plan.
3/25/2010 6:00:00 AM
The Dollars and Sense of Being a One-Income Family
If you have kids or are thinking of starting a family, one of the biggest questions you and your partner will face is "Can I afford to stay home with the little ones?" We offer food for thought, plus a list of the financial gains and losses that one-income families face.
Tracking Your Numbers
The scale is just one tool of many to measure our progress, however, there are many more important numbers that will help measure our health and fitness.
3/24/2010 5:00:00 PM
'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution': Will It Work?
Jamie Oliver, who has led a one-man healthy food crusade in England for a decade, has hopped the pond. Will the U.S. accept "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution"?
3/24/2010 2:00:00 PM
For Exercise Buddies, Four Legs are Better than Two
Who makes better workout buddies, humans or dogs? A new study may hold the answer...
3/24/2010 6:00:00 AM
How I Found My Passion
I was never one of those kids who knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. But eventually I found the career that makes me excited to come to work each day.
3/23/2010 2:19:10 PM
5 Secrets to Staying Trim from the One of the World's Healthiest Countries
Japan has one of the lowest rates of obesity in the world--less than 5 percent. How do the Japanese stay so slim? A longtime resident shares the secrets that have helped her.
3/23/2010 10:04:36 AM
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