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New Articles and Blogs
Banish Bland Food and Learn to Store Your Herbs and Spices
Chef Meg shares her secrets for adding flavor without fat, sugar, or salt in this NEW video!
5/4/2010 10:25:13 AM
The 10 Healthiest Celebrities
Our friends at That's Fit share the list of the 10 healthiest celebs. Did your favorites make the cut?
5/4/2010 6:00:00 AM
Meal Planning Made Simple
Whether you’re shopping for one meal or seven, yourself or a household, these four steps will help you plan healthful meals, create an organized shopping list and save time and money.
8 Workouts You'll Love if You Hate to Sweat
If the
factor of sweating is keeping you from working out, don't stress! These no-sweat workouts offer big benefits without the perspiration puddles.
In the Company of SparkPeople Heroes
As SparkPeople continues to grow, members are coming together to share their friendships and triumphs at events across the country.
5/3/2010 11:36:51 AM
Can't We All Just Get Along?
We are each unique individuals with lives that are equally unique and individual. Do we have trouble remembering that?
5/3/2010 6:50:27 AM
Habits of Fit People: Don't Make Exercise Excuses
Someone who is busier than you is exercising right now. What's your excuse?
4/30/2010 7:00:00 AM
15 Easy Ways to Go Green on the Cheap
If you're willing to spend a little time and think creatively, there are plenty of zero- and low-cost options to green your lifestyle, diet and home.
Are You Consuming Too Much Sugar?
Sugar can be naturally occurring or added. Do you know which type is most prevalent in your diet?
4/29/2010 5:00:00 AM
It's Never Too Soon to Teach Kids about Money
When my son was given $5 from his grandparents, I decided it was time to teach him his first lesson about money. At age 2, was he ready?
Hands-Only CPR: Saving a Life Becomes Easier
The American Heart Association is promoting a new 'hands only' way of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that may help save many lives.
4/28/2010 3:40:51 PM
Body Bliss: Dress for the Body You Have Today
Want to lose weight? Go shopping! Find out how some new clothes could help you win at weight loss.
4/28/2010 8:00:00 AM
Listen to Great Fitness Tips from Coach Nicole
The SkinnyScoopers share their podcast with Coach Nicole. Get easy, affordable workout tips, the scoop on her DVDs--and more!
4/27/2010 5:32:03 PM
5 Good Reasons to Make Your Own Baby Food
Making baby food was something I did for both of my kids. It's not really as much trouble as you might think, and there are definitely some good benefits.
4/27/2010 10:00:00 AM
Will the FDA Efforts to Limit Salt be Successful?
A new 10-year approach to reduce sodium in processed foods could provide benefits with this stealth health approach.
4/26/2010 1:21:37 PM
My Weight Loss Story: Taking the Long, Bumpy Road Home
On her second Spark-versary, dailySpark editor Stepfanie shares her 16-year battle with her weight and happiness. This is one story that has a decidedly happy ending.
4/26/2010 8:24:38 AM
Bring Your Walking Shoes to Work on Wednesday
Celebrate the 4th Annual Walk @ Lunch Day on Wednesday, April 28th by using your lunch break to get in a few minutes of activity.
4/24/2010 12:00:00 PM
There's Only So Much Multitasking You Can Do
I spend the majority of my day multitasking. I used to have a great memory, but not anymore. A new study shows why my brain won't let me do too many things at once.
4/23/2010 6:18:02 AM
Ignoring the Haters, Learning to Love and Live Life at Any Weight
When you have 100 pounds or more to lose, not everyone is supportive. Outside your online and real-life networks, people can be downright mean. Here's how to cope.
4/22/2010 2:00:00 PM
Free Reusable Bag Offer from the SparkPeople Store
Find out how you can get a free SparkPeople grocery tote with this limited time offer!
4/22/2010 6:28:26 AM
20 Nifty, Nutritious Snacks for Kids
April is National Cancer Control Month
Cancer rates are rising at an alarming pace across the globe making it even more important to embrace healthy habits now.
4/21/2010 4:41:21 PM
Controlling Kids' Portions Could Create Future Food Issues
What my children eat and how much they eat is a source of stress for me. Many dietitians follow the philosophy that children need to learn to regulate their own appetites.
4/20/2010 1:10:45 PM
VIDEO: How Much Do You Know about Wrinkles?
Do you really know what causes these lines of wisdom or which healthy habits can delay their appearance? Take our quiz to find out!
Beat Stress, Weigh Less
Eating better and exercising may not be enough to help you slim down. Find out which sneaky habit may be undermining your weight-loss efforts--and what you can do about it.
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