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New Articles and Blogs
How to Start an Indoor Herb Garden
Don't let limited space or experience prevent you from gardening. Growing herbs indoors is a convenient and affordable way to add more flavor to your meals.
The 1-Mile Walking Test
How fast can you walk a mile? The answer will help you measure your current fitness level. Try this simple walking test today!
Contest: Did You Cook away the Pounds?
Tell us how healthy cooking and eating changed your life, and you could be featured in SparkPeople's next book.
5/17/2010 11:30:28 AM
A More Diverse Food Pyramid
Learn more about food pyramids that focus on healthy eating guidelines for Asian, Latino, and Mediterranean eating preferences.
5/17/2010 6:06:32 AM
Save Money During Your Move
After lifting heavy boxes, hauling your couch into a truck, and trudging up and down the stairs a dozen times, your muscles are bound to be sore. But your hamstrings aren’t the only thing that suffers during a move--your budget often takes a beating, too.
What We're Reading Right Now
Find out what's in this week's health headlines.
5/16/2010 12:15:07 PM
Ten New Best Member Blogs
A review of some of this week's best member blogs. Which one is your favorite? Are you enjoying this series?
5/14/2010 5:15:53 PM
How to Shop for Workout Clothes without Going Broke
Get flattering fitness looks for less with these 14 money-saving tips!
5/14/2010 1:00:00 PM
Extra Helpings: Out of Sight, Out of Mouth
My family always serves themselves from the stove instead of leaving dishes on the table. That practice could be saving us from eating more than we really want or need.
5/14/2010 8:28:24 AM
My Journey: 120 Pounds Down and Halfway to Goal
~INDYGIRL is halfway to her goal and sharing the story of where she started and how she arrived here. Read her inspirational tale of perseverance and determination!
5/13/2010 10:17:38 AM
Are You Eating a Rainbow?
Focusing on all the colors of the rainbow helps ensure you are providing your body with a wide range of nutrients.
5/13/2010 5:00:00 AM
Wake Up America, We Need to Get Healthy!
I was shocked and then saddened to read that according to Men's Health Magazine I live in a state which claims four out of the top 10 fattest cities in the United States.
5/12/2010 3:00:00 PM
Obese Children are More Likely to be Bullied
There are lots of reasons kids get bullied. A new study shows that obese children are more likely to be bullied, regardless of things like class or race.
5/11/2010 6:51:06 AM
19 Cheap and Easy Tips to Make Over Your Next Meal
Stepfanie shares some of her best tips for using cheap and healthy foods in new and exciting ways.
5/10/2010 2:14:36 PM
5 Steps to Creating a Garden Plan
Think you're ready to get your nails dirty in the garden? Before you begin planting fruits and vegetables, a garden plan is essential.
7 Things Your Seed Packet Can Tell You
An Introduction to Companion Planting
Celebrate Exercise is Medicine Month
Exercise is now being perceived by many professionals as medicine. In other words, not only can it help prevent certain diseases, it can enhance our lives.
5/8/2010 11:00:00 AM
Every Wrong Turn Leads to Something Right
Every step you take helps shape the person you are today--even if you go in the wrong direction.
5/7/2010 3:00:00 PM
5 Ways to Help You Relax in 2 Weeks
Having trouble relaxing in life? These tips can help you forget the busy world around you and find peace within.
5/6/2010 4:23:47 PM
Childhood Obesity Rates Higher in the South
Childhood obesity remains to be a threat in our kid's lives, especially for those raised in the south, but what is it going to take to reverse this trend?
5/5/2010 3:00:00 PM
2 Great Deals for May from the SparkPeople Store
Take advantage of a free shipping offer and our money-saving Fitness Bundle!
5/5/2010 6:00:00 AM
SparkAmerica Prize Terms
Weathering the Storm to Run My First Half Marathon
On Sunday, Stepfanie ran her first half marathon--amid thunderstorms. She refused to let Mother Nature get her down.
5/4/2010 5:00:35 PM
Confession: I'm Breaking My Sugar Addiction
My love affair with sweets goes back many years. Recently I had the opportunity to make a serious commitment to cut back on sweets, and so far it's going better than I expected.
5/4/2010 1:00:00 PM
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