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New Articles and Blogs
Beware the New Food Marketing Hype
Will the new labels touting no high fructose corn syrup be a good thing?
4/19/2010 6:08:25 AM
Our Favorite Healthy Living Links
We've rounded up links to some of the week's top healthy living headlines.
4/18/2010 4:22:15 AM
Decreasing Calories Can Increase Stress Level
Dieting can be stressful. New research is showing that it's not only mentally stressful, but can also be physically stressful on the body to restrict calories.
4/16/2010 3:00:00 PM
10 Ways to Survive the Carpool
We've got some great tricks to make the most of your carpool time and get through the season happier and healthier than ever!
4/15/2010 6:29:59 PM
Winners of SparkPeople's 'After' Photo Contest
We hear amazing stories of transformation and weight loss every day on the site. Now it's time to SEE how everyone's hard work has paid off. Check out the winners of SparkPeople's first-ever 'After' Photo Contest!
4/15/2010 11:25:00 AM
Have You Taken Your Nutritional Pulse?
These edible seeds may soon be the next great food alternative.
4/15/2010 6:52:41 AM
Chocolate: A Little Goes a Long Way to Help Prevent Heart Disease
Chocolate has been around for thousands of years and while it may have a poor reputation, its effects have been shown to lessen our risk for heart disease.
4/14/2010 3:51:02 PM
Low-Impact vs. High-Impact Exercises: Which Is Right for You
Think you know the difference between low and high impact workouts? There may be more to it than you realize...
4/14/2010 10:00:00 AM
UPDATED: Fortune: We're the 'Facebook of Dieting'
Check out the great article on SparkPeople in the latest issue of Fortune magazine.
4/13/2010 2:02:42 PM
5 Ways to Prevent Food from Going to Waste
Food is expensive, and most people can't afford to waste it. Yet the average family tosses $600 worth of food into the trash every year. If you have trouble eating food before it spoils, you need these tips.
Get 2 NEW Recipes from Hungry Girl's Latest Cookbook
Hungry Girl has a new cookbook, and it's awesome! Now she's sharing two NEW recipes with the dailySpark.
4/12/2010 1:00:00 PM
Exercising While Pregnant: Good for Mom, Great for Baby
I'm a huge advocate of exercise during pregnancy. Although the benefit to mothers is well-established, new research is showing that exercise can also benefit baby.
4/12/2010 10:00:00 AM
'Secrets of the Mountain': A Family Movie Night Opportunity
If you are interested in family focused viewing opportunities, this one might be for you.
4/12/2010 5:20:25 AM
Confession: Patience is a Virtue I Am Still Working On
Living in a fast paced world can make it difficult for those like me who need to embrace patience in this journey we call life.
4/10/2010 11:53:22 AM
There's Nothing Funny about Chelsea Handler's Workouts
Chelsea Handler doesn't take herself too seriously, but achieving her bikini-ready body was no laughing matter. Learn more about this funny woman's workout routine.
4/9/2010 11:00:00 AM
Diet and Exercise May Prevent 1/3 of Breast Cancers
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. New studies are highlighting the large role that lifestyle plays when it comes to breast cancer risk.
4/9/2010 6:10:43 AM
And the Award for Worst New Food Product of the Year Goes to…
It's a little early to be deciding this award, but here's a new product that'll be pretty hard to beat.
4/8/2010 5:00:00 PM
Solutions to the Challenges of Living Large or Less Mobile
People of size or those with limited range of motion have special challenges when trying to get fit. Indygirl shares tips on finding clothes and equipment that suits you.
4/8/2010 9:08:53 AM
Broken Hearts Can Be Mended
Stress can lead to many health issues, but doctors are now on the lookout for a condition known as broken heart syndrome which can mimic the symptoms of a classic heart attack.
4/7/2010 2:56:28 PM
Are You Fit Enough for Life's Grand Adventures?
Exercise isn't just a means to an end; it's a tool to help you live out your dreams. Find out how fitness helped Coach Nicole achieve one REALLY BIG goal last week.
4/7/2010 6:00:00 AM
Reflections from a Mirror
As I stepped out of the shower this morning, I glanced in the mirror. I usually don’t do that. I guess it was my frame of mind today. Well, I was shocked by what I saw!
4/6/2010 2:01:14 PM
1 Hour: Amount Women Should Exercise to Prevent Weight Gain
Regular physical activity can help with weight loss. But wouldn't it be nice to know how much you need to exercise daily to prevent weight problems in the first place?
4/6/2010 5:45:39 AM
4 Good Reasons to Buy Local Food
When you shorten the distance your food travels from farm to table, you can improve the health of your body and the planet.
7 Steps to Tune Up Your Bike for Spring
Spring is the perfect time to hit the road (or trail) on your bike. Follow this guide to basic bicycle maintenance to help ensure your ride is safe and comfortable.
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