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New Articles and Blogs
Employee Benefits: The Less You Weigh, The Less You Pay?
Employers are always looking for ways to lower their health care costs. But Whole Foods has launched a new employee program that is drawing controversy.
2/5/2010 7:16:58 AM
Oprah Takes on Type 2 Diabetes, the 'Silent Killer'
Turn on the TV or set your DVR today for a very special episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” on the topic of Type 2 diabetes, which Oprah calls "a silent killer."
2/4/2010 10:04:11 AM
Go Red for Women on Friday, February 5th
This Friday marks the 7th annual American Heart Association's National Wear Red Day, are you planning to participate by wearing red that day?
2/3/2010 4:00:00 PM
10 Ways to Melt Mega Calories this Winter
When the mercury drops, head outdoors to heat up your workouts! Torch caloriesand have fun doing itwith these cold weather pastimes.
2/3/2010 9:58:00 AM
Guilt-Free Game Day Snacks: 7-Layer Fiesta Dip and Chips
Football and snacks go hand in hand, but so can game-day noshing and healthy eating. I started by lightening up one of my favorites: layered Mexican dip.
2/2/2010 2:10:36 PM
Kid Snacking: How Much Is Too Much?
I have a feeling that one day very soon, I’m going to become the complaining parent at my 3-year old's preschool. It seems like her short school day revolves around snacks.
2/2/2010 10:00:55 AM
VIDEO: ''I Lost 150 Pounds and Ran a 15K Race!''
Watch this inspirational video of a member who went from 370 pounds to running 50 miles a week.
Is Gluten-Free the Way to Be?
Many people are giving up gluten out of fear that it's bad for them. Is the gluten-free diet a must for everyone or just another passing trend?
Spotted: 'The Spark' and Some Amazing Members
Check out photos of members who have spotted "The Spark"! Have you spotted it yet?
2/1/2010 3:33:13 PM
Obesity is a World Problem
Learn more about weight related attitudes and behaviors from around the world.
2/1/2010 5:57:15 AM
Gluten FEAR: Should You Go Gluten-Free?
Gluten-free foods, restaurants and cookbooks are a hot trend among health-conscious consumers. But is all this gluten fear really helping us?
1/29/2010 10:00:00 AM
Obesity Rates Level Off, But Can We Really Celebrate?
New figures from the Centers for Disease Control show the rates of obesity have leveled off over the last decade. So is it time to celebrate? Not so fast.
1/29/2010 6:00:00 AM
SparkPeople Official Giveaway Rules
How Sweet and Innocent are Those Girl Scout Cookies?
As a proud former Girl Scout, I love Thin Mints and the other Girl Scout Cookies. Ever wonder what kind of caloric damage those little cookies can do?
1/28/2010 5:50:34 PM
Coping with a Loved One’s Diagnosis
While we are never fully prepared to face the reality of a loved one's diagnosis, accepting what we cannot change is all part of the journey we call life.
1/27/2010 5:01:44 PM
Only 4 Days Left to Enter the Chapter Challenge Contest
Nearly 6,000 people have downloaded our free chapter so far. Tell your friends and you could be a winner, too!
1/27/2010 11:12:55 AM
I Have a New Fitness Goal
When I took inventory of my life, I left out a pretty major fitness goal. But it's something I think you should all know about.
1/27/2010 5:58:47 AM
Reach Your Goals with SparkCoach
Learn about SparkPeople's premium feature that will help you reach your goals in a whole new way!
How to Use Your Fit, Firm and Fired Up DVD
When Does Plastic Surgery Go Too Far?
Celebrity plastic surgery has been in the news recently. My opinion has always been that people should do what makes them happy. But is there a point where it becomes too much?
1/26/2010 5:07:48 PM
Make Your Meals Do the Work: Cook Once, Eat for Days
Chef Meg turns one recipe into a few days of meals!
1/26/2010 10:24:12 AM
5 Signs It's Time to Get Serious about Weight Loss
Whether you have five pounds or 150 pounds to lose, you have to get serious if you're going to reach your goals. If any of these five signs resonate with you, it's time for a reality check.
7 Easy Ways to Relax on the Job (without Getting Fired)
So how can you present your most cool, calm and collected self and accomplish all the tasks you have to do today? Take a breather, and try a few minutes of yogic stretching.
1/25/2010 12:09:24 PM
Overwhelmed by Starfish
At the Spark Your Life Convention in Cincinnati this fall, one member in particular stole our (and your) hearts. She wanted to share this essay.
1/22/2010 2:33:45 PM
Could Your Weight-Loss Expenses Be Tax Deductible?
At this time of year when you're thinking about improving your health and also filing tax returns, why not do something that can benefit both?
1/22/2010 10:10:04 AM
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