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New Articles and Blogs
How Much Sitting is Too Much?
Find out how too much sitting can jeopardize your health as well as your waistline.
1/21/2010 6:00:00 PM
Beef: It's What's for Dinner Tonight
room for red meat in a healthy lifestyle. The key is choosing lean cuts, sensible portions and healthful cooking methods. Try my Grilled Garlic Citrus Flank Steak.
1/21/2010 2:20:59 PM
Are You Following Steps to Live a Long Healthy Life?
A new tool from the American Heart Association can help you assess your cardiovascular health.
1/21/2010 6:21:54 AM
Hand-washing Is Still the Best Way to Prevent Illness
Hand-washing is one of the most effective means in preventing illness, but sometimes we need to be reminded of this importance.
1/20/2010 4:00:00 PM
RECSCHEDULED: Girlfriendology Online Radio Show
My interview with BlogTalkRadio has been rescheduled for 2 p.m. on Friday, January 22, Thanks for your patience!
1/20/2010 2:00:00 PM
Get a FREE Calendar When You Spend $50 at the SparkPeople Store
We're clearing out our 2010 motivation calendars by offering them FREE to everyone who spends at least $50 in the SparkPeople Store. Hurry while this offer lasts!
1/20/2010 9:00:00 AM
Lead with Your Heart; the Rest of You Will Follow
It was time I chose my own words, carved out my own niche, expressed my own emotions in exactly the words I needed. My new mantra came to me...
1/19/2010 10:02:30 AM
Is It Time To Relax When It Comes To Your Health?
Have you ever fallen into the trap of feeling like you have to become perfectly healthy and do everything exactly the way the experts tell you to?
1/19/2010 5:41:03 AM
10 Signs a Fitness Gadget is a Gimmick
Television ads for fitness products are promising, but many don't live up to their claims. This foolproof guide will help you separate the real fitness tools from the get-fit-quick scams.
Test Your Spending Habits
Is Wheaties FUEL the New Breakfast for Champions?
Whole grains, 100% daily needs for five B-vitamins and an excellent source of fiber. Media hype or is this new cereal the next best thing for breakfast.
1/18/2010 10:00:00 AM
Turn Up Your Activity By Turning Off The TV
A new study shows that less TV might not change your diet or increase your exercise, but it could lead to an increase in overall activity levels.
1/15/2010 6:21:55 PM
Take Stock of Your Behaviors and Stay at a Healthy Weight, Naturally
People who make mindful eating second nature may appear naturally thin, but they're paying attention to what they're eating—and how much they're eating, and when.
1/14/2010 2:08:26 PM
Call In to the Girlfriendology BlogTalkRadio Show
If you're near a computer on Friday afternoon, take some time to listen to my radio interview on the Girlfriendology BlogTalkRadio Show.
1/14/2010 10:00:00 AM
If the Calorie Information Isn't Accurate, What Should You Do?
Do you think the calorie and nutrient information on nutrition labels is a general estimate or scientifically accurate.
1/14/2010 5:00:00 AM
My 2010 Goals: What Are Yours?
Goals do not have to be made at the first of the year, month or week. They can be made any time, just remember to keep them specific to you, your dreams and desire.
1/13/2010 3:00:00 PM
Great Article in Good Housekeeping
Remember last week when I mentioned some big news and an article in a major magazine? I couldn't divulge details then, but now I can share...
1/13/2010 10:00:00 AM
Jog and Enjoy the Weather
Discover the magic of winter workouts!
1/13/2010 6:00:00 AM
Would You Take Medical Advice From A Celebrity?
Many celebrities have been open about their struggles with various diseases. But when does it cross the line into giving medical advice they aren't qualified to dispense?
1/12/2010 1:52:13 PM
'The Spark' is a Best Seller--and We're On 'Today' Again
I've been pinching myself so often lately that I might soon have a bruise on my arm. So much good news has been coming our way in the last few weeks.
1/12/2010 11:00:02 AM
How to Poach an Egg
Poaching an egg is an easy technique once you learn how to properly do it. Let me show you how.
1/12/2010 6:00:00 AM
About SparkPeople's Recommendations
Getting Off to a Good Start—Again
Are your goals making it harder or easier for you to succeed?
1/11/2010 5:47:12 PM
Stuff We Love: Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone
Two of our favorite fitness bloggers have teamed up in a regular health and fitness podcast, and we've invited them to tell you more about it.
1/11/2010 10:00:00 AM
Spotted: 'The Spark'
Check out photos of members who have spotted "The Spark"! Have you spotted "The Spark"?
1/10/2010 3:14:03 PM
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