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New Articles and Blogs
It's Time to Let Go of Childish Things--Like the Scale!
Instead of allowing the scale to control your emotions and sense of self, honor yourself and respect the journey you're on.
6/30/2009 10:17:40 AM
Smart Portion Control Tips and Recipes
4 Easy Ways to Assess Your Well-Being
There's more to a healthy lifestyle than eating right and exercising. Find out what 4 wellness measures you should be tracking--and how to do it.
SparkPeople Health Measurements
Did you know that you can track your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and resting heart rate on SparkPeople? Find out how to track it--and what it all means.
10 Reasons to Spend Your Food Dollars at a Farmers Market
Embracing the bounty of the summer harvest season is a great way to help turn your weight-loss journey into a permanent healthy lifestyle.
6/29/2009 12:06:48 PM
What Defines Your Life?
Does the music of Michael Jackson define your life?
6/29/2009 6:00:00 AM
'So You Think You Can Dance' Meets 'The Biggest Loser': Will You Tune In?
"The Biggest Loser," NBC's weight-loss reality show, is a hit. So is FOX's dance show, "So You Think You Can Dance?" Now Oxygen has a show that seems to combine them both.
6/28/2009 11:53:44 AM
Do You Possess the Courage to Change?
By not facing our fears, we allow fear to have all the power. Are you willing to possess the courage to change?
6/27/2009 5:17:52 AM
Weekly Links: Operation Beautiful Grows and How to Get a Workout in the Kitchen!
Operation Beautiful is blooming! Learn 5 things that annoy your doctor! And find out the real cost of cheap dining deals!
6/26/2009 4:07:05 PM
Will Malibu Pilates Help You Achieve a Bikini Body?
The infomericals for this exercise "chair" sounded too good to be true, so Coach Nicole tried it to find out if it lives up to its claims. What she discovered may surprise you!
6/26/2009 11:03:31 AM
More TV Means Less Talking Among Kids and Parents
When should children be allowed to start watching TV? How much time should they spend in front of it each day? A new study might make some parents rethink their decision.
6/26/2009 6:08:17 AM
"Spark Your Life" Convention Terms and Conditions
Speedy Suppers: Baked Salmon Dijon
This week's Speedy Supper is ready in 20 minutes and requires little work. Whisk together a Dijon mustard sauce, spread it over salmon fillets and pop them in the oven.
6/25/2009 12:00:00 PM
Young and at an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer?
Colorectal cancers are a common type of cancer for U.S. adults. New findings suggest a 17% increase over the last decade in those under the age of 50. Are you at risk?
6/25/2009 6:35:19 AM
6 Good Reasons to Try a Spinning Class
From torching calories to babying your joints, the benefits of Spinning are many (and there's more to it than sitting on a bike).
6/24/2009 3:00:00 PM
Notes From Behind Enemy Lines
Many of you have noticed that I haven’t been blogging recently. As this situation is likely to continue for awhile, I thought it would be good to let you know what’s going on.
6/24/2009 11:33:13 AM
CONTEST CLOSED: Better-for-You Chips for Your July 4 BBQ
In honor of our nation's birthday and in the spirit of eating more healthful foods, the folks at popchips are sponsoring a giveaway! Two will win better-for-you chips for July 4.
6/24/2009 6:00:00 AM
We Share Our Favorite 100-Calorie Ice Cream Treats
When the mercury started rising, we hit the supermarkets, scouring the freezer section for the tastiest low-calorie ice cream treats.
6/23/2009 6:25:09 AM
30 Tactics to Outsmart Your Unhealthy Temptations
Are unhealthy temptations lurking everywhere you turn? Doughnuts in the break room, pizza in the fridge, a cozy couch when it's time to work out? Fear not! We'll help you tackle these traps head on--and win!
My Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes: What are Yours?
I have often heard we learn more from our mistakes than we do from doing everything just right. This is true in every aspect of our life including embracing a healthy lifestyle.
6/20/2009 10:00:47 AM
Weekly Links: No Jobs for Smokers, Operation Beautiful and Zicam Warning Issued
This week's popular links have my mind racing, especially the final one. Read on for more info, and share your thoughts on the week's top headlines.
6/19/2009 2:58:26 PM
Study: Parents' Diet Doesn't Influence Kids
I've always worked hard to set a good example for my kids when it comes to food choices. But a new study says they might not be paying attention.
6/19/2009 10:15:55 AM
Habits of Fit People: Keep Fitness Equipment at Home
Coach Nicole shares one of the tricks she uses to make exercise a habit. Find out how even a simple home gym can help you excuse-proof your workouts!
6/19/2009 5:50:18 AM
Speedy Suppers: Coach Nicole's Mini Frittatas
We're going to continue to bring you Speedy Suppers each week, so share your recipes! This week's recipe is Coach Nicole's Mini Frittatas.
6/18/2009 12:15:51 PM
New Year’s Resolutions: Have You Kept Yours?
I have never been one to set resolutions, but that does not mean I do not set goals each year. I am a firm believer that goals are what allow us to reach our full potential.
6/17/2009 6:00:26 PM
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