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New Articles and Blogs
5 Shortcuts to Sculpt Your Body Fast
We know that there are no real shortcuts to getting and staying fit. But these techniques will help you boost the intensity and effectiveness of your workouts so you can get better results in less time.
How I Finally Turned My World Upside Down
I had spent the past two years avoiding headstands, arm balances and handstands. Yoga teacher training forced me to face my fears.
5/4/2009 6:06:32 PM
SPENT: Tactics to Regain Energy in Life and Feel Great Again
Dr. Frank Lipman, author of "Spent," shares tips on how to regain energy and feel great again.
5/4/2009 2:26:33 PM
Friends Do Our Bodies Good: Do You Agree?
Friends are those people we can depend on when times get tough; but the bond can be so strong that for many, these relationships can far exceed those even within a family unit.
5/2/2009 12:00:20 PM
Confession: I Won't Wear a Bathing Suit in Public
Coach Nicole's self-consciousness kept her on the sidelines for years, but now she's ready to do something about it!
5/1/2009 8:00:00 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Stop Using Hydroxycut, says FDA
Hydroxycut is being pulled from shelves after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration linked the product to severe liver damage and one death.
5/1/2009 4:22:22 PM
Could the Pill Be Affecting Your Workout Results?
If you take the pill and are trying to build muscle, a new study shows it could be negatively affecting your results.
5/1/2009 10:16:44 AM
Kashi Touring U.S. to Encourage Small Steps toward a Healthy Life
The folks at Kashi shared with us some neat events with us. The healthy food company Kashi embarked on its fourth "Day of Change" tour this month.
5/1/2009 12:01:33 AM
7 Fun Ways to Burn BIG Calories this Spring
Here are seven worthwhile pastimes that can help you get fit, burn calories and enjoy the outdoors this season!
4/30/2009 2:56:00 PM
We Drank It: POMx Iced Coffee
When we heard POM was selling coffee, we were intrigued. What would it taste like? Why mix coffee and pomegranates? Would it be fruity?
4/30/2009 6:19:49 AM
30 Ways to Revitalize Your Lunch Break
Are You Ready to Run? Join the Inaugural National Running Day June 3rd
As more people begin looking for ways to get fit and healthy, running is becoming the exercise of choice for many. And it can be just the exercise choice for you, too!
4/29/2009 6:36:16 PM
From a Newlywed Gone Soft to a Hard-Bodied Marathoner
Magda lost more than 30 pounds and learned to run, bike and swim underwater. She's now a veteran marathoner and triathlete. Redbook magazine is sharing her story, too!
4/29/2009 2:14:20 PM
Swine Flu: Questions and Answers from Harvard Medical School
Stories of swine flu are everywhere today, but much confusion remains. Harvard Medical School wrote an article that explains the disease.
4/29/2009 9:00:00 AM
Wii Warriors Outnumber Weekend Warriors in the Doctor’s Office
Can lunging across your living room, Wii remote in hand, to return a vicious topspin forehand from your TV set be more risky to your health than a real game of tennis?
4/28/2009 7:02:40 PM
Stacy London Promotes Looking Good At Any Size
Stacy London is known for being critical of people's choices when it comes to fashion. But she will never tell you that you need to lose a few pounds.
4/28/2009 2:08:05 PM
SparkPeople's Sweatsuit to Swimsuit Bootcamp
How Healthy (and Tasty) is the New Healthy Choice?
Healthy Choice recently revamped its boxes, its label, and most importantly its food. The company has added more whole grains, fiber and antioxidants.
4/27/2009 1:15:04 PM
VIDEO: 10-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout
A short and effective workout that's also fun!
VIDEO: 7-Minute Seated Resistance Band Workout for Upper Body
Stretch and strengthen anytime with your resistance band--all from a chair!
VIDEO: 10-Minute Crunchless Core Workout
This Pilates-inspired workout will help you tone your abs without a single crunch!
Pets Do Our Bodies Good: Do You Agree?
Pets have been a part of my life for many years. Little did I know the value our pets have in our lives besides offering love and constant companionship.
4/25/2009 5:39:33 AM
Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Cellulite
Pick up the latest issue of any women's magazine and you'll likely see a beautiful celebrity on the cover. But is that how this person would look if you saw them at Starbucks?
4/24/2009 2:03:38 PM
Take a Peek at a Healthy Eater's Meal Plan
You've peeked inside our fridges, and we've spilled our secrets about exercising in public. Now we're going to let you take a peek at our meal plans.
4/24/2009 5:52:46 AM
Speedy Suppers: Chicken Soup with a Southwestern Twist
Warm, hearty chicken soup is livened up with some spicy Southwestern ingredients. Beans and rice give the soup some bulk and make this a supper your family will love!
4/23/2009 2:13:28 PM
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