SparkPeople Employees Share Their Healthy Snack Ideas

Snacking throughout the day can be a good strategy to help avoid overeating at meal time. When the munchies hit, it's important to have healthy options available. So what do you choose? The employees of SparkPeople like to eat healthy, too, and some of them have some creative snack ideas. Here, several team members share three of their good-for-you snacks.

Grant, marketing team
  1. Zucchini w/ a little salt
  2. ak-mak whole wheat crackers
  3. Trader Joe’s Soy & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips
Chris (SparkGuy), SparkPeople founder and CEO
  1. Nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.)
  2. Fresh raw veggies (sometimes turned into a veggie smoothie with a tomato juice base)
  3. Fruit smoothie (with frozen berries as a top ingredient)
Tanya, resident expert
  1. Peanut butter by the spoonful
  2. Dried fruits like raisins and apricots
  3. 100-calorie microwave kettle corn popcorn
Josh, tech team
  1. Peanuts
  2. String cheese
  3. Baked chips with salsa
Stepfanie, content team
  1. Low-fat Greek yogurt with homemade granola
  2. Hummus with cucumbers, carrots, and Wasa crackers
  3. Whole-wheat bread with almond butter, a sprinkle of cinnamon and berries (instead of jelly—they stick to the almond butter)
Sean, marketing team
  1. Peanut butter and apples
  2. Nature Valley granola bars
  3. PB&J on whole wheat
Tami, marketing team
  1. A handful of nuts like pistachios
  2. Whole-grain rice cake with low-fat cream cheese and some grapes on the side
  3. Slices of lean turkey breast rolled up and dipped in sweet and spicy honey mustard
Becky, resident expert and Registered Dietitian
  1. 100 -calorie pack of microwave popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese
  2. 1 cup hot chocolate and 4-6 graham crackers
  3. Homemade trail mix (Wheat Chex cereal, pretzels, almonds, raisins, M&M’s)
Samantha, resident expert
  1. Strawberries and 1 oz. of good dark chocolate
  2. Baked tortilla chips with salsa and cottage cheese
  3. Almond butter on banana slices
Beth, marketing team
  1. A handful of almonds
  2. Apple
  3. String cheese with whole wheat crackers