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Top 10 Tips to Unbreakable Resolutions

Top 10 Tips to Unbreakable Resolutions

Written by Melinda Hershey, Health Educator

How many years have you enthusiastically made New Year's resolutions to change your health and your life, only to watch them fizzle out weeks (or days) later? Chances are, you've been there or know someone who has. But how do you break the cycle? Is it possible to actually follow through with your New Year's resolutions? Absolutely! Here are 10 smart strategies to make this year different.

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Be Specific

Like many people, you might be thinking of broad, life-changing goals to work toward in the new year. But it's important to clarify those goals so you know exactly what you're trying to achieve. For example, look at the difference between these two statements:

''I resolve to lose weight and get healthy this year.''


''I resolve to lose 30 pounds by next Thanksgiving. I will accomplish this by exercising four days a week while staying within my given calorie range. I will measure my health by getting my blood checked every six months.''

Which statement is more powerful and clear? By specifying your goals, you will make it easier to achieve them. Get as specific as you'd like to help clarify your action plan for yourself.