Burn it Off: How Much Gentle Yoga to Undo the Angry Whopper?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Surely, you've seen the commercials for Burger King's new fast food sandwich, the Angry Whopper. It's just like a regular Whopper, but with even more caloric toppings stuffed between the buns. Onions, jalapenos, pepper jack cheese, and "angry sauce," (their words, not mine) make it "the hottest Whopper ever," according to Burger King's website. If you're a fan of fast food, spicy food, or fast food that's also spicy, then you may be tempted to try this one. But before you bite, ask yourself this. Just how much damage will the Angry Whopper do? Find out how much gentle yoga you'd have to do to undo the wrath of the Angry Whopper sandwich.

The Burger King website does include the nutrition facts for the Angry Whopper, but it's in a separate PDF document than their regular menu items. (You can see it here, too, if you can Adobe Acrobat Reader.) So you might be wondering: Is the Angry Whopper higher in calories than a regular Whopper? See for yourself.

If I ate this sandwich, I'd be pretty angry to discover these nutrition facts afterward. I'd be so upset that I'd need to calm down with some yoga. How many downward facing dogs would it take?

According to SparkPeople.com's Fitness Tracker, a 150-pound woman who does yoga burns 3 calories per minute. It would take over 293 minutes—nearly 5 hours—of yoga to burn off the Angry Whopper and find a happy place. Even though yoga can be gentle, calming and feel great, that is far too much for most bodies to handle. I say skip the Angry Whopper—and the regular one, for that matter.

If you want to spice up your food without getting mad at yourself for blowing your diet, use zero-calorie herbs and seasonings like cayenne and chili powder, or hot sauce, which has about 5 calories per serving. Even jalapeno peppers and onions are low in calories, so I'm not sure why the Angry Whopper has to be so high in calories to be spicy. What do you think?

Do the nutrition facts of the Angry Whopper make you mad, or are you less than surprised by them? Do you think the Angry Whopper is worth the calories?

Photo Source: Found on Flickr