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Gear Up: SparkPeople's Cardio Blast Workout DVD

By , SparkPeople Blogger
I believe that fitness should be fun, accessible and affordable. That's why I've created more than three dozen free online workout videos for SparkPeople. Lately, I've been branching out to create new workouts that you can buy on DVD at The SparkPeople Store. My newest feature has upbeat music and never-before-seen workouts that are all fun and easy to follow. Here's a sneak peek at my newest workout DVD, SparkPeople Cardio Blast with Coach Nicole.

Stop thinking of cardio as a chore, and start having fun with these fat-burning and boredom-busting workouts that burn over 600 calories per hour (based on a 150-pound woman). The DVD contains six workouts that you can do one-at-a-time or any any combination you choose:

1. Walk It Out - An indoor walking routine great for beginners
2. 80s Aerobics - Bring out your leg warmers for a fun flashback of oldies but goodies
3. Cardio Kickboxing - Box, kick, squat and punch!
4. Hop to It - A high-impact jumping routine with plyometric moves
5. Jump Rope - Torch calories, even without a rope
6. Cardio Bootcamp - A high intensity workout that pushes the limits

Free of complex choreography, I also give detailed instructions to help you either decrease or increase the intensity, depending on your fitness level. Plus all of the workouts vary in intensity, so there really is something for everyone! Click Here to Buy SparkPeople's Cardio Blast for $15.50.

What do you think about SparkPeople's new workout DVD? Do you have any requests for future SparkPeople DVDs?