All Entries For family

Can Water Fountains Help Fight Obesity?

A new study published in the journal Pediatrics shows that installing water fountains in schools can have a direct impact on childhood obesity rates. Surprised?
Posted 4/14/2009  5:57:10 PM By:   : 103 comments   17,613 views
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Family Eating: Dealing With the Picky Eater

What can you do to appease the picky eaters in your home? How can you create meals that the whole family will eat and enjoy?
Posted 4/10/2009  2:06:21 PM By:   : 69 comments   11,892 views
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Family Eating: Getting Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Getting kids to eat vegetables can be tricky, especially if it's not always been part of the mealtime routine. Is this a struggle in your household?
Posted 3/20/2009  8:59:22 AM By:   : 86 comments   20,571 views
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The First Lady's Agenda: Healthy Living

One of Michelle Obama's agendas that has started emerging is a focus on healthy living. She feels that fresh and nutritious foods should be a staple of every American's diet.
Posted 3/17/2009  6:04:11 PM By:   : 254 comments   24,092 views
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How Do Your Food Attitudes Influence Your Kids?

Every parent wants what's best for their child. But could too much focus on things like trans fats lead to unhealthy feelings about food in our kids?
Posted 3/3/2009  6:36:51 AM By:   : 52 comments   8,959 views
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Confession: I'm Struggling With My Post-Baby Body

Is getting back into shape after baby really as easy as many celebrities make it look? I had a baby 11 weeks ago and I'm still struggling to fit into my jeans...
Posted 2/17/2009  6:22:41 AM By:   : 118 comments   43,132 views
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We are a SparkPeople Family

Webster defines family as a group of people united by certain convictions. SparkPeople is just that--a family who supports and encourages us on the path to a healthier lifestyle.
Posted 2/14/2009  5:55:51 AM By:   : 119 comments   13,130 views
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Is Getting Healthy a Hopeless Cause for Adults?

When so many of us are working tirelessly to get healthy and fit, read how one of the country's leading fitness pioneers is looking to the next generation to change.
Posted 2/11/2009  12:10:49 PM By:   : 117 comments   14,390 views
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9 Ways to Save when Dining Out

We all enjoy eating out from time to time. Use these 9 tips to help you save money.
Posted 12/22/2008  10:20:00 AM By:   : 54 comments   11,863 views
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Recession Eating: How You Could Save $180 a Month in Groceries

You CAN save money AND buy nutritious foods by following a few basic strategies.
Posted 12/15/2008  10:23:27 AM By:   : 114 comments   24,706 views
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When Lifestyles Clash...How do You Handle It?

So, you’ve made peace with your Inner Cookie Monster, and discovered your Inner Athlete. But some "outsiders" aren't too happy with your new lifestyle. How do you handle that?
Posted 11/4/2008  5:31:31 PM By:   : 78 comments   13,605 views
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High School Football Players: Is Bigger Really Better?

The pressure on high school athletes to compete and perform has never been higher than it is now. But some are paying a price for trying to stay competitive. Is it worth it?
Posted 10/22/2008  3:00:07 PM By:   : 19 comments   11,905 views
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How Does Your Body Image Affect Your Child?

Recent studies have analyzed at the attitudes of parents towards their weight and looks, and how those attitudes influence their children. Even very young kids are affected.
Posted 10/17/2008  12:35:05 PM By:   : 54 comments   14,632 views
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Before You Bite: Is Pasture Raised Beef Nutritionally Worth the Price?

Will paying more for grass-fed beef provide more nutrition for your dollar?
Posted 9/28/2008  7:00:40 AM By:   : 99 comments   13,086 views
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Living Alone? How's it working for you?

Does living alone make it harder or easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Tell us your story...
Posted 9/25/2008  12:00:00 PM By:   : 273 comments   40,205 views
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