Printable Workout: Day 4 Bootcamp

This is the printable version of our Bootcamp Day 4 Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Knee to Chest Standing "Crunch"

8 reps

Stand tall with abs engaged and hand behind the ears.

Exhale and lift the left knee towards your chest, concentrating on the abdominals as being central to your movement.

Inhale and lower foot back down to the floor. Switch sides to repeat on the right side to complete one rep.

Twisting Knee to Chest "Crunch"

8 reps

Stand tall with abs engaged and hand behind the ears.

Exhale and lift the left knee towards your chest, concentrating on the abdominals as being central to your movement, as you twist your torso to bring your right elbow towards your knee.

Inhale and lower foot back down to the floor. Switch sides to repeat on the right side to complete one rep.

Standing Torso Twist

8 reps

Stand tall with abs engaged, feet wider than the hips and hand behind the ears.

Exhale and twist from the waist to your right side.

Inhale and return to the center (facing front). Switch sides to repeat on the left side to complete one rep.

Knee to Elbow Oblique "Crunch"

8 reps per side

Stand tall, balancing on your left knee, keeping your abs engaged, left knee soft, and right leg extended to the side. Reach your right arm overhead, lengthening through the right side of your body from your fingertips to your toes.

Exhale and bend the right knee and elbow, pulling them towards each other at the side of your waist.

Inhale and slowly return to the start position to complete one rep. Repeat all reps on this side before switching.

Dumbbell Side Bends

8 reps

Stand tall with abs engaged, feet hip-width apart, and one dumbbell in each hand.

Inhale and bend from the waist, bringing your right hand towards the floor.

Exhale and pull back up to the center. Repeat on the left side to complete one rep.


Hold for 15-30 seconds

Come to one edge of your mat and slowly roll down until you hands touch the floor. Walk out to a plank position, placing your hands directly under the shoulders and keeping your body in a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.

Hold and breathe steady. Try to stay in your plank as your move to the next exercise without resting.

Plank with Tilt

8 reps

Start in your plank position.

As you inhale, rock forward on the balls of the feet towards the toes. Exhale and return in the start (plank) position to complete one rep.

Back Extensions

10 reps

Lie on your stomach with your legs extended, arms at your sides, head and neck in line with the spine.

Exhale and lift your chest away from the floor, reaching your fingertips towards your toes.

Inhale and lower back down to complete one rep.

Don't forget to stretch!