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New Articles and Blogs
VIDEO: How to Get Picky Eaters to Eat Healthy
Have a stubborn eater on your hands? This video will help everyone in your family eat better than ever before.
All About Zumba Class!
This fitness craze is more like a party than a workout. Before you try it at home or the gym, here's what you need to know.
5 Ways with... Cotton Balls
Learn how to make the most of common household items, like hair dryers, dryer sheets and toothpicks, when you watch the 5 Ways video series from Woman's Day!
5/9/2011 5:00:00 PM
A Family Favorite: Speedy Sausage Rolls
When your mornings involve getting dad to work, mom to the gym and work, and three teenage boys to school, there's no time to spare. These rolls are perfect
5/9/2011 2:01:23 PM
Video Gaming Found to Increase Caloric Intake
A study confirms playing video games increases the amount of calories teen boys consume. Could this be of significance given the concern about obesity rates of today's youth?
5/9/2011 9:00:00 AM
Meet Anne and Bob, Our BIGGEST Success Story Ever
Meet Anne and Bob, who've lost 140 pounds using SparkPeople. They're featured in a HUGE story in this month's Woman's Day magazine!
5/9/2011 5:00:00 AM
Products That Take the Guesswork out of Portion Control
~INDYGIRL shares her favorite products for keeping portions from being distortioned!
5/6/2011 10:00:00 AM
50 Mistakes That Hinder Your Happiness
Uncover what's standing in the way of your emotional health and happiness.
5/5/2011 2:00:00 PM
Both Diet and Exercise are Important for Weight Loss Success
New research analyzes 3 methods of weight loss (exercise alone, diet alone and a combo of the two) to compare the differences in progress. The differences might surprise you.
5/5/2011 10:26:50 AM
Guilt-Free Mexican-Style Recipes
Looking for a fun and flavorful Mexican-style recipe? We've rounded up a variety of healthy and flavorful Mexican recipes for you to enjoy without the guilt.
5/4/2011 6:10:48 PM
The Wrong Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer
When is it a bad idea to hire a trainer? When you do it for one of these five reasons!
5/4/2011 2:00:00 PM
Blogging from the Road: Tiffany's Back on Tour with Beyonce*
Singer, songwriter and SparkPeople member Tiffany Moníque is the dailySpark's newest team member. She has exciting career news and a new weight-loss goal!
5/4/2011 10:00:00 AM
Yoga Stretches for the Feet and Ankles
Stay healthy from the ground up! When stretching, don't forget the feet and ankles. Here are some yoga poses and inspired stretches for your lower half.
5/3/2011 10:00:00 AM
Strategies that Fight Cellulite
It may be a formidable foe, but don't forfeit the cellulite fight yet. These treatments and tips can actually help you ditch the dimples.
Our Best Mother's Day Meal Ideas
On Mother's Day, take the day off and let the rest of the family take charge in the kitchen. I collected some of my favorite simple recipes for the family.
5/2/2011 6:00:00 PM
Is the 17-Day Diet for You?
Here is a brief look at this doctor-designed plan that encourages rapid results as well as a look at how it rates on the fad diet scale.
5/2/2011 2:49:16 PM
14 Tried-and-True Organizing Tips
See how real women get their homes in order.
5/2/2011 10:00:00 AM
Confession: I Didn't Run a Marathon
Earlier this year I told you I was going to run a marathon. Guess what? I didn't. And I'm OK with that. This "failure" taught me some valuable lessons.
5/2/2011 5:39:51 AM
Enter to Win 1 of 5 Copies of 'Tired and Wired'
Today we're giving away five copies of a fascinating new book: "Are You Tired and Wired?"
4/29/2011 6:00:34 PM
'Fat Stigma' is Spreading; What Can We Do?
According to a recent news story, fat stigma is spreading. ~INDYGIRL shares ideas for fighting back--with compassion and kindness.
4/29/2011 2:07:22 PM
One Simple Tip to Tone Your Trouble Zones
Learn about a tiny workout tweak that can help you get better results in your problem areas!
4/29/2011 6:00:00 AM
You Can Teach an Old Body Fit Tricks
I've assumed that as I age, fitness gains won't come as easily. But according to some new research, my logic might be a little faulty.
4/28/2011 2:17:35 PM
What We're Reading This Month
The dailySpark's editors and bloggers share their favorite new books with you. What's on your reading list?
4/28/2011 10:00:00 AM
Yes We Can!
John has lost more than 65 pounds using SparkPeople, and her recently reset his weight-loss ticker for a new goal. Here are four things that motivate him.
4/27/2011 2:10:03 PM
Jell-O Recipes That Won't Make You Jiggle
Looking for some diet-friendly snacks and desserts? We've rounded up a variety of Jell-O recipes that are low calorie, easy to make, and tasty!
4/27/2011 10:00:00 AM
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