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New Articles and Blogs
11 Tips to Help You Feel at Ease at Your First Yoga Class
You've summoned the courage to try something new--yoga. But you're worried about making a faux pas in class. Here's what to expect when you unroll your mat.
9/1/2009 1:00:00 PM
Laughing in the Face of Adversity: How Our Emotions Impact Those around Us
Emotions allow us to connect with our fellow man. We can either laugh with the world or we can allow the negative emotions to pull us down.
8/29/2009 6:30:27 AM
Want To Avoid Knee Problems? Start Running!
Although it's a common perception that running causes knee problems and will leave you hobbling around in your later years, does research support that idea? Not necessarily.
8/28/2009 2:17:09 PM
The Magazine Photo People Can't Stop Discussing
Glamour magazine recently featured a revealing photo of a "real" woman, and now the Internet's aflutter over it. Have you seen it? What do you think?
8/28/2009 10:39:58 AM
Burn It Off: How Much Cycling to Undo a Soft Pretzel?
How long would you have to ride your bike to burn off the calories in this summer snack? Longer than you think!
8/28/2009 6:30:29 AM
How Do You Feel about End-of-Life Nutrition and Hydration?
Have you ever thought about artificial hydration or nutrition and if it is right for you?
8/27/2009 6:24:04 AM
Use Caution When Taking Anti-inflammatory Meds After Exercise
Research has shown that taking anti-inflammatory meds after exercise may lead to a slower recovery.
8/26/2009 5:36:35 PM
More Recipes from Chef Meg
We've taken 20 of Chef Meg's made-over and original recipes and compiled them in a downloadable, printable cookbook. And, like everything else on SparkPeople, it's 100% FREE!
8/26/2009 2:00:00 PM
Habits of Fit People: Leave Your Gear at the Gym
Coach Nicole shares another trick she uses to stay fit. Find out what it is--and how it could work for you, too!
8/26/2009 11:30:04 AM
A New Me in Old New Orleans
A SparkPeople member reflects on the cuisine that defines her hometown and how she clings to her gastronomic heritage while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
8/26/2009 6:08:19 AM
The Truth About High Fructose Corn Syrup
What if we were wrong about high fructose corn syrup all this time? Recently, Dietitian Becky reviewed all the available research on HFCS to find out whether it deserves its bad rap. What she says might surprise you!
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Turn Up The Intensity By Turning Up The Volume
New research shows it's not only what's playing, but the volume of the music that could affect the quality of your workout- specifically your strength training regime.
8/25/2009 6:00:00 PM
Reports: Alli Linked to Liver Damage; FDA Investigating
Alli, the only U.S. FDA-approved nonprescription weight-loss drug, is under investigation by the agency after more than 30 reports of liver damage in patients taking the pills.
8/25/2009 3:06:40 PM
Confession: I Let Comments about My Weight and Appearance Affect My Self-Esteem
Just as cruel taunts deflated my self-esteem in high school, friends' compliments about my body boost it. But why should I let any one adjective affect how I feel about myself?
8/25/2009 6:10:54 AM
A Beginner's Guide to the Farmers Market
When grocery stores offer convenience, year-round produce and rock-bottom prices, why would anyone shop at a farmers market? Find out what's missing from your cart.
''100 Pounds Lost, 10 Lessons Learned''
This SparkPeople member spent the better part of two years dropping pounds--110 of them, to be exact. Now she's sharing her top 10 weight-loss tips with you!
Finally! An Entertaining Kids Show with a Healthy Focus!
A SparkPeople member raves about a Playhouse Disney kids show that's--gasp--focused on healthy eating! Could it be? TV programming that's sending a positive message to kids?
8/24/2009 5:42:12 PM
Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me, When I’m (2)64?
If you’re a regular follower of this blog, you know that 2009 has been a pretty rough year for me, health-wise.
But you haven't heard the whole story yet...
8/24/2009 12:34:31 PM
Update: PETA Pulls Controversial Billboard!
Being overweight in our society is tough enough, but when an organization takes aim at those who struggle with this issue, where does one draw the line?
8/22/2009 9:22:28 AM
We're Giving Away 5 MISSION Skincare Prize Packages
The dailySpark is celebrating its first anniversary this week! We're giving away great prizes, like these MISSION skincare packages. Win sunscreen, lip balm and more!
8/22/2009 2:56:16 AM
Win Fitness Equipment from the SparkPeople Store
We've bundled some of our most popular fitness products and apparel items to save YOU even more money--and we're giving some away! Check out these new offers while they last!
8/21/2009 10:18:58 AM
Introducing Kids To A Variety Of Foods Helps Later In Life
Researchers have found that it can take 8 to 15 attempts before children will accept certain foods as part of their diet. But in the end, the struggle might be worth it.
8/21/2009 6:00:00 AM
The Fascinating Fitness Stories You Haven't Read
Coach Nicole shares her favorite fitness blogs, tips and product reviews for the dailySpark's first anniversary!
8/20/2009 5:26:48 PM
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