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Weeknight Cooking Made Easier With the Sous Vide
Not sure how to get started with your new sous vide cooker? We've got some delicious ideas.
6 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is an important tool for self-improvement. After all, if you don't love you, why would you put in work to make you better? If you're suffering from a low self-esteem, these expert-approved tips might just be the boost you need.
SparkChallenges: Fun for Personal Goals or With Friends!
Use our new Challenges platform to set your goals and exceed them. Start a personal challenge or invite your friends for a little friendly competition!
1/16/2018 10:00:00 AM
15 Surprising Things You Never Knew About Jenny Craig
It's not your mother's weight-loss center. The many facets of today's Jenny Craig might surprise you!
The 60-Minute Workout is Dead
Don't have an hour to spend at the gym? Fast-track your workout and still see results. Here's why (and how) you can reap the benefits in far less time.
Spark Spotlight: Crystal (SHESHNA)
As a mom and full-time student, Crystal's biggest challenge has been juggling being a mom and a full-time student while trying to stay active along with eating healthy.
5 Healthy Foods You Might Be Overeating
Superfoods, nutrient powerhouses and healthy diet staples are nice and all, but, as with many of the best things in life, should be enjoyed in moderation. Find out five of the most common foods people overeat and keep yourself from accidentally plateauing in your weight-loss goals.
How Matthew Abandoned Binge-Eating & Lost 80 Pounds
After years of depression and binge-eating, Matthew is 80 pounds lighter in weight, and immeasurably lighter in his outlook on life.
What Our Members Are Saying About SparkPeople Premium
Wondering if SparkPeople Premium is right for you? Check out what some happy members are saving about our upgraded, ad-free service.
5 Ways Meal Prepping Can Help You Lose Weight
If you want to get serious about weight loss, then you need to learn to prep ahead. Meal prepping can help you keep track of your food and make losing weight a whole lot easier.
10 Bags That Will Make You Excited to Hit the Gym
Whether you prefer the yoga studios or hitting the trails, a functional gym bag is important for transporting gear and other essentials. No matter your budget, style requirements or exercise preference, one of these incredible bags is sure to be the envy of everyone at your gym.
9 Resolutions That Make You Happier, Not Skinnier
Love them or hate them, resolutions go hand-in-hand with the new year. In addition to the same old weight loss promises, consider choosing goals that focus on happiness instead.
5 Reasons You Hate Working Out & How to Get Over It
You know exercise releases endorphins that make you happy and help relieve stress, but you just can't help that you absolutely, without hesitation hate working out. Here's how to get over five common reasons people hate to exercise.
10 Ways a Health Coach Can Help You Finally Achieve Your Dreams
There's a trained expert for virtually every aspiration--even weight loss! Learn how a health coach can help you on your weight-loss journey.
Spark Spotlight: Fredielyn (MARINGAL)
This week, we check in with Fredielyn from California, who shares her small success, her biggest challenge and her advice for new SparkPeople members.
9 SparkPeople Articles Every Beginner Should Read
New to SparkPeople? Discover 10 great articles that will get you on track to achieve your wildest weight-loss dreams in this month's Go Get It Guide!
7 Ways Dietitians Help Their Clients Lose Weight & Keep It Off
Registered dietitians are a great source of information and inspiration for clients looking to lose weight. If hiring an R.D.
an option, though, we've got seven valuable pieces of advice dietitians love to share with their clients.
Introducing Rapid Results by Jenny Craig
Learn more about Jenny Craig Rapid Results. We dig into the the program, how much weight you can expect to lose, and how Rapid Results differs from regular Jenny Craig.
How to Get Everything You Need to Get Fit for Less Than $100
Written by Melissa Rudy
Other than lack of time, a tight budget is one of the most common excuses for not exercising. But you don't have to break the bank to get on the fitness bandwagon. Here's how to get up and running (or walking, riding or lifting) for less than $100.
Why Do We Use Ads on SparkPeople?
SparkGuy wants you to know the reasons behind SparkPeople's use of advertisers.
8 Reasons You Should Never Set a Resolution
A surprising 42.4 percent of people said they fail in their resolution every year? Why? Discover why you should rethink your resolutions if you want to find success.
Change the Way You Snack With Our New Challenge
Without a strategy, snacking, mindless munching and emotional eating can quickly ruin your day of healthy eating. That's why we have a new challenge just for you.
Spark Spotlight: Geri, The Comeback Kid
In this week's Spotlight, Geri, 'The Comeback Kid,' shares her weekly triumphs and challenges, along with some great advice for those who are new to SparkPeople.
How Debra Conquered Pain and Chased Down Success
Discover how Debra overcame a rare medical condition to reach her healthy weight, embrace a love of running and complete two marathons (and counting).
Is There a Polite Way to Tell Someone They Need to Lose Weight?
The subject of losing weight can be touchy, but it doesn’t have to be taboo. When timed appropriately and voiced with compassion, it could ultimately help to point your loved one in a healthy new direction.
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