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New Articles and Blogs
Should Bake Sales Be Banned?
In an attempt to address rising rates of obesity among children and teens, some states have proposed a ban on bake sales. Read on for our idea of a healthy compromise.
5/28/2012 10:00:00 AM
Improve Your Sun Smarts
Use these sun protection tips to prevent sunburn, wrinkles and skin cancer.
5/28/2012 6:00:00 AM
9 Cool Breakfast Ideas for Hot Mornings
If a steaming bowl of oatmeal doesn't sound so hot to you during the summer, cool down your breakfast with these ideas!
Food Showdown: Battle of the Creamy Side Dishes
Which picnic side dish should you choose for a lighter plate: macaroni salad or potato salad?
5/26/2012 10:00:00 AM
Is It Possible to Build Muscle and Lose Weight at the Same Time?
Coach Dean explains how to balance exercise and eating to burn fat while you build muscle.
5/26/2012 6:00:00 AM
Confession: I'm a Food Snob
Can being a food snob really help you lose weight? Beth shares her view on this topic and how being a food snob is helping her reach her goals.
5/25/2012 6:00:00 PM
Get 75 Healthy, Hearty Recipes for the Grill
With the unofficial start of summer upon us, it's the perfect time for a backyard BBQ. Learn how to keep your grillouts safe, healthy, and fun, with our new e-book!
5/25/2012 10:00:00 AM
SparkPeople's Mix and Match Meal Planner: Meal Planning Made Easy!
Stuck in a rut with your current meal plan or just not sure what to make? Find out how the Mix and Match Meal Planner can help you quickly create healthy meals!
5/24/2012 6:00:00 PM
13 Healthier Burger Recipes
We’ve gathered our best tips and recipes to help you build a better burger.
5/24/2012 2:00:00 PM
'Of Course It's True--I Read It on the Internet!'
How can we teach our kids how to sift through what's fact and what's fiction on the internet?
5/24/2012 10:00:00 AM
One-Bite Steps
Setting SMART goals may be just what you need to move you closer to achieving your dreams.
5/24/2012 6:00:00 AM
VIDEO: 2 Must-Do Moves for a Better Butt
Add these two simple moves to your routine to get your greatest glutes ever!
VIDEO: 3 Ways to Burn More Fat in Less Time
Don't let "lack of time" be an excuse for you! Burn more fat during your short workouts with these tips.
VIDEO: Squeeze in Leg Exercises while Sitting in a Chair
Just because you sit at a desk all day doesn't mean that you can't squeeze in a little fitness! Try these sneaky leg toners from your chair.
VIDEO: 5 Simple Stretches for Better Posture
Desk job got you down? Try these 5 seated stretches for better posture and less pain!
10 More Healthy Foods Under $3
Our original top 10 list was so popular, Healthy Eats readers asked for more. Here are 10 more healthy foods that won't break the bank.
5/23/2012 2:00:00 PM
5 Simple Stretches for Better Posture and Less Pain
Coach Nicole shows you some sneaky stretches you can do at your desk for an instant pick-me-up!
5/23/2012 6:00:00 AM
7 Ways to Make Applying Sunscreen Easier and More Fun for Kids
Find out how to keep kids from running the other way when they see a tube of sunscreen and build good sun habits early.
5/22/2012 2:00:00 PM
If Your Child Was Overweight, Would You Want to Know?
It's hard to take criticism about your parenting skills, but that's what a lot of people feel when their child's weight comes into question.
5/22/2012 6:00:00 AM
7 Simple Ways You Could Reclaim an Hour a Day
Do you ever wish you had a 25th hour to use in a day? You can have it-- read on to find out where it's hiding!
What's Really Making Your Back Hurt?
Tired of guessing why your back hurts all the time? Get the facts here!
11 Smart Shopping Tips for Small Households
In an era of super-size food packaging, singles and couples find it a challenge to shop sensibly. Here are 11 tips to help you right-size your grocery shopping.
The Greatest Mile I've Ever Run
Jerome shares his inspirational story of going out for his first run with his daughter, Emily.
5/21/2012 10:00:00 PM
How to Choose, Prep, and Cook Shellfish
Learn how to choose, store, prep and cook your favorite shellfish.
5/21/2012 6:00:00 PM
Secrets to Great (Guilt-Free) Grilled Cheese
Forget the cellophane-wrapped cheese slices and spongy white bread! It's time for a grown-up grilled cheese!
5/21/2012 2:00:00 PM
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