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New Articles and Blogs
The First Lady's Agenda: Healthy Living
One of Michelle Obama's agendas that has started emerging is a focus on healthy living. She feels that fresh and nutritious foods should be a staple of every American's diet.
3/17/2009 6:04:11 PM
Can You Lighten Up Corned Beef and Cabbage? Should You?
How do you lighten corned beef and cabbage? Do you? Should you? Or should you just celebrate and enjoy the traditional food?
3/17/2009 12:00:00 PM
Vibration Training: Latest Fad or The Real Deal?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy a machine for a few hundred dollars, plant it in front of your TV set, and just stand on it to burn calories and lose weight?
3/17/2009 6:00:00 AM
Are You Wearing the Right Sports Bra?
Nearly 80 percent of women exercise in the wrong size sports bra. Are you one of them? Our in-depth guide to fit, construction and care will help you banish the bounce so you can work out in comfort and style!
Using Friend Feed and Status Updates on SparkPeople!
Friend Feed brings all the Community activities of your mutual SparkFriends to one page! Learn how to edit your preferences and use this fun feature!
How Do You Cope with the Stress in Your Life?
Stress is an emotion very few of us can escape, but learning how to cope with the unavoidable obstacles in our lives helps us to rise above these challenges.
3/14/2009 6:01:20 AM
Meat-Free Fridays: What in the World is TVP?
TVP, a popular vegetarian protein, is made from soy. But what do you do with it?
3/13/2009 3:01:01 PM
CONTEST CLOSED: Win Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones DVD
You could win one of 5 copies of this new DVD release!
3/13/2009 11:04:33 AM
Optimism Leads to a Longer Life
Who knew just how powerful positive thinking can be? Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have determined that optimists live longer, healthier lives than pessimists.
3/13/2009 6:23:21 AM
What Life is Really Like at SparkPeople
Find out what happens when SparkPeople's tech team has a bit of free time! Working at SparkPeople is an adventure.
3/11/2009 6:11:48 AM
Does Organic Food Really Taste Better?
A groundbreaking scientific study answers the question once and for all!
3/10/2009 2:00:00 PM
Family Eating: Healthy Recipes Everyone Will Enjoy
Whether your kids are 2 or 22, cooking a healthy meal that everyone likes can be a challenge. Do you have recipes to share that your whole family seems to enjoy?
3/10/2009 10:03:57 AM
On International Women’s Day, Think about the Woman You've Become--and What Got You Here
On International Women’s Day, think about the woman you've become--and what and who helped you become that person.
3/8/2009 7:41:59 AM
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US and if diagnosed early enough can lead to long term survival. Learn the signs and symptoms of the disease.
3/7/2009 5:00:00 AM
Meat-Free Fridays: Lenten Lentils
Lentils are a cheap and versatile protein source. They're a great choice for Meat-Free Fridays!
3/6/2009 5:52:24 AM
New Year's Wishes Check Up – How are YOU Doing?
We are two months into the New Year. How are you doing with your wishes?
3/5/2009 10:00:00 AM
What’s the REAL Price of Junk Food?
Have you ever wondered why healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are more expensive than junk food? Or if there's anything you can do about it?
3/5/2009 6:29:00 AM
Don't Miss the SparkPeople Convention This Saturday
If you're in the greater Cincinnati area and want to jump start your weight loss, join us Saturday for the SparkPeople Convention! In-person registration is available the day of the event!
Confession of a Step Aerobics Drop Out
A few years ago I ventured into the world of the unknown-step aerobics. But I left the class with some valuable lessons that I still carry with me today.
3/4/2009 4:46:30 PM
10 Requests to Add to Your Dining Repertoire
The author of 'Your Big Fat Boyfriend' shares 10 tips on slimming down your restaurant orders.
3/4/2009 10:00:54 AM
Staying Motivated, Tip #10: Reward Yourself at the Right Time for the Right Thing
When it comes to changing habits, rewarding yourself for actually doing the new behaviors you want to adopt is a great strategy. But make sure you're doing it the right way...
3/3/2009 12:12:17 PM
How Do Your Food Attitudes Influence Your Kids?
Every parent wants what's best for their child. But could too much focus on things like trans fats lead to unhealthy feelings about food in our kids?
3/3/2009 6:36:51 AM
Wild or Farmed Fish: What's Better?
Whether you eat it for taste or for its heart-healthy benefits, choosing the best fish isn't simple. The origin of your fish affects more than its price tag. It affects its concentration of Omega-3's and contaminants, too.
A Minute with: Chef Tyler Florence
Chef Tyler Florence recently took some time to answer some of our kitchen questions!
3/2/2009 6:22:12 AM
CONTEST CLOSED: 7 Million Pounds Lost! We're Celebrating!
To date, SparkPeople Members have lost more than 7 million pounds. We're celebrating that milestone with a dailySpark giveaway!
3/1/2009 6:00:00 PM
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