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New Articles and Blogs
The Benefits of Growing Your Own Food
For a culture facing serious health, environmental and economic troubles, there's never been a better time to plant a few seeds in your own backyard. We make the case for returning to your roots.
Bust Your Bad Mood with Exercise
When you're upset, stressed or bored, exercise--and the mood-enhancing endorphins it produces--can be the best thing for you. But not just any exercise...
3 Lessons from the US Airways Hero Pilot Chesley Sullenberger
What lessons can we learn from the heroic pilot who landed the plane in the Hudson River? We have more in common with him than you might know.
2/16/2009 10:54:47 AM
Read the Label: The 411 on Olive Oil
Have you taken a look at your olive oil label lately? Cold-pressed, organic, light olive oil. Extra-virgin olive oil. Expeller-pressed organic oil. What do all those terms mean?
2/15/2009 4:00:00 PM
We are a SparkPeople Family
Webster defines family as a group of people united by certain convictions. SparkPeople is just that--a family who supports and encourages us on the path to a healthier lifestyle.
2/14/2009 5:55:51 AM
7 Healthy Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Gal Pals
Valentine's Day isn't just a romantic holiday--it's also a chance to celebrate with your friends.
2/13/2009 4:00:00 PM
Quiz: How much do you really know about fat?
If you’re trying to eat healthy or lose weight, you need to know a lot about fat—both the kind you eat, and the kind you want to lose.
Check your knowledge with this quiz.
2/12/2009 6:20:49 PM
Before You Bite: A Valentine's Day Guide to Chocolate
You know dark chocolate is the "good stuff," but what should you look for before you take that sweet first bite?
2/12/2009 2:05:21 PM
Study: Daily Vitamin Doesn't Help Your Health
A recent, quite sizable study of more than 160,000 women found that a vitamin regimen doesn't lessen one's chances of developing cancer or heart disease.
2/12/2009 6:10:40 AM
Habits of Healthy Eaters: Cook at Home
Forget becoming the next Bobby Flay, Julia Child or Emeril. Can you cook to save your life?
2/11/2009 4:21:43 PM
Is Getting Healthy a Hopeless Cause for Adults?
When so many of us are working tirelessly to get healthy and fit, read how one of the country's leading fitness pioneers is looking to the next generation to change.
2/11/2009 12:10:49 PM
Habits of Fit People: Believe in Yourself
Increase your chances of sticking to a workout routine by whopping 139%!
2/11/2009 8:19:26 AM
Staying Motivated Tip #7: Beat the Three P's of Failure
Do you feel like you have an evil twin who often takes control just so she can do the opposite of what you intended to do?
Find out how you can stay in control.
2/10/2009 6:21:01 PM
Finding Balance: Where Do I Begin?
Starting over is hard. You were working toward your health and fitness goals and then life got in the way. Now the question becomes: How do you begin again?
2/10/2009 6:13:12 AM
The Science Behind Stevia
To many people, stevia seems like a win-win: It sweetens food without adding calories, and it seems to be a healthy alternative to artificial sweeteners. But can you really believe all the hype?
5 Reasons to Get Rid of Your Skinny Jeans
Does keeping too-tight clothes from days gone by really motivate people to lose weight? Learn how it might actually hurt your self-esteem and weight-loss efforts.
NEW: Search for Recalled Peanut Butter Products
Want to know which products are safe to eat? Check out the FDA's peanut butter recall widget.
2/7/2009 6:32:00 AM
Habits of Healthy Eaters: Measure Portions
Measuring portions helps keep you on track, and it keeps you from convincing yourself you only had "a few" chips when you know the bag was full when you opened it.
2/6/2009 2:05:14 PM
Can I See Results in a Month?
You've been working out and eating right for over a month now, and so far you have only seen a small change on the scale. Is a month really enough time to start seeing results?
2/6/2009 10:00:00 AM
Confession: I May Not be Perfect, but I'm Still Fit & Healthy
Coach Nicole responds to critics who have criticized her body for not conforming to the fitness industry's ideals.
2/6/2009 6:00:00 AM
Quell That 3 p.m. Sweet Tooth
It's 3 p.m. and you're jonesing for a sweet treat. Bypass the doughnuts and step away from the vending machine. Try one of these dozen sweet treats instead!
2/5/2009 2:00:00 PM
Celebrate National Wear Red Day
Learn more about how you can help lessen the risk of heart disease amongst women by celebrating in the National Wear Red Day campaign this Friday, February 6th.
2/4/2009 5:00:00 PM
Staying Motivated Tip #6: Assemble Your Own Success Squad
When it comes to changing exercise and eating habits, flying solo is not a good idea for most of us.
Find out how to create your own Success Squad.
2/3/2009 6:01:53 PM
How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?
I've decided to set some health and fitness goals for the year. I'm a little late for New Year's resolutions, but better late than never, right?
2/3/2009 4:00:00 PM
You Told Us: How Real People Save Big and Stay Healthy
We can all benefit from advice on saving money at the grocery store. I've collected some of the best tips from readers and compiled them here.
2/3/2009 12:44:49 PM
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