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New Articles and Blogs
Challenge Answers, Winners, & What It All Means
Read the answers to last weeks weight loss True/False Challenge, and find out what it means for you.
1/22/2009 12:28:52 PM
100 Best Workout Songs of 2008: What's Your Favorite?
Fitness magazine recently named the top workout tunes of the past year. If you need to update your iPod, we've got your covered.
1/22/2009 6:30:15 AM
The Inauguration Luncheon, Slimmed Down
The post-Inauguration luncheon had more than 3,000 calories and 142 grams of fat! We slimmed down the menu so you can eat as well as the president.
1/21/2009 5:00:34 AM
6 Ways to Exercise Like a Fitness Pro
Do personal trainers exercise differently than you do? Find out!
1/20/2009 3:04:43 PM
Keep Your Stomach--and Your Wallet--Full with These Meals
Times are tough. We're all tightening our belts, some of us proverbially and some us literally. We've got plenty of ways to keep your stomach and your wallet filled.
1/20/2009 10:19:41 AM
Staying Motivated, Tip #4: Inoculate Yourself Against Weight Loss Tunnel Vision
Do you find yourself getting very upset when your scale gives you a number you don't like?
Protect yourself against weight loss tunnel vision.
1/20/2009 6:17:07 AM
Beat the Crowds at the Gym
Quick and Easy Stretching Routine
When you're short on time, proper stretching can be the first thing to go! That's why we created this short and effective full-body stretching routine that you can breeze through in fewer than five minutes.
Daily Stretching Routine
Are you always on the run but running out of time to stretch? Try adding a few of these standing stretches throughout the day!
Advanced Stretching Routine
Thanks for Spreading the Spark with Us
We opened up the SparkPeople offices for a Healthy Happy Hour on Spread the Spark day!
1/19/2009 1:00:00 PM
Food on the Run: Wendy's
Sometimes you need or want to eat away from home while still eating as healthy as possible. Here are some helpful ideas.
1/19/2009 5:00:00 AM
Dealing with Hunger and Food Cravings
Are you truly hungry every time you eat? Without pausing to assess your hunger, cravings and emotions each time you reach for food, you could be sabotaging your weight loss.
Free Prescriptions, but at What Cost?
Read how local grocery store pharmacies are now competing with other retailers to fill antibiotic prescriptions at no cost to you, the customer.
1/17/2009 6:01:38 AM
FDA Adds 41 Pills to Tainted Diet Drug List
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has added 41 additional diet drugs to an alert about tainted diet pills.
1/16/2009 2:42:26 PM
A Dozen Ways to Quell Your Sweet Tooth
How can you satisfy your sweet tooth without going overboard on fat and calories? Try one of these dozen sweet treats!
1/16/2009 2:33:00 PM
11 Savory Snacks Under 250 Calories
Are you stuck in a snack rut? Try one of these savory snacks--with fewer than 250 calories each!
1/15/2009 4:37:00 PM
Habits of Healthy Eaters: Shop the Perimeter
Want to learn how to eat better? Stepfanie's new blog series shares "The Habits of Healthy Eaters." First step: Avoid the middle aisles.
1/15/2009 2:10:40 PM
A Challenge: Can You Separate the Facts from the Myths?
If you can correctly determine whether these 5 statements about weight and health are true or false, you can win a prize from Coach Dean.
1/15/2009 6:47:24 AM
How Good Manners Can Help You Slim Down
Good manners can help you make a good impression if you're ever invited to a state dinner, but they'll also help you with your weight-loss efforts.
1/14/2009 12:01:27 PM
What Does 300 Calories Really Look Like?
Check out these pictures to see how much food you can eat when you make the right choices!
Staying Motivated, Tip #3: Take these 5 STEPS for Success
Try these 5 simple steps for turning off autopilot eating and turning on your motivation.
1/13/2009 4:58:19 PM
After Losing Half Her Weight, Lessie Shares Her Story
Have you seen the "Half Their Size" issue of People? You might have recognized Lessie Alvarado. She talked with the dailySpark.
1/13/2009 12:00:00 PM
4 Tips to Avoid Exercise Burnout & Stick to Your Plan
Are you guilty of doing too much too soon? Learn the top signs of overtraining, plus get expert tips to prevent your fitness fire from burning out.
1/13/2009 8:13:41 AM
8 Cold, Hard Truths About Exercise
If you're trying to get healthy, it's important to separate the facts from the fallacies when it comes to working out. Get the real deal on exercise to start seeing better results!
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