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New Articles and Blogs
Sock It to Me: How to Choose the Right Pair for Your Runs
As a runner you know the importance of being fitted for the right shoe, but did you know that wearing the proper socks is equally as important?
11/13/2010 8:00:34 AM
Eating Peanuts While Pregnant: Bad Idea?
Some docs say pregnant women shouldn’t eat peanut butter, and others say it’s fine. A new study shows that eating it might increase a baby’s risk of developing a peanut allergy.
11/12/2010 2:00:00 PM
Make Leftover Halloween Treats Disappear
Did you make it through Halloween just to find the leftovers more than you can take? Here are some creative ideas to help you put them to use.
11/11/2010 6:00:00 AM
6 Water Exercise Routines
Water exercises are a great way to build muscle endurance and strength without the stress on the joints, not too mention the added cardio benefits.
11/10/2010 12:00:00 PM
7 Good Reasons to Try Interval Training
Burn more calories. Burn more fat. Spend less time in the gym. No, it's not too good to be true, it's interval training!
11/10/2010 6:00:00 AM
You Might Shop Healthier if You Pay in Cash
Paying with a credit card is so easy that I know I don’t always think as much about what I’m putting in my cart. If I had to pay with cash, I have a feeling I’d be more careful.
11/9/2010 9:00:00 AM
Getting on the Treadmill
Smart Ways to Soothe Sore Muscles
Post-workout pain is more than unpleasant. It also can discourage you from exercising. Fight back against cramps, joint pain, and sore muscles with these expert tips.
Success Story VIDEO: Running Down 120 Pounds
This amazing 5-minute video is all the pick-me-up you need to keep going on your own journey!
High Potassium Foods for a Healthy Balance
On average, U.S. potassium intake is well below recommended levels. Learn why increasing your intake can help maintain healthy blood pressure, muscle and bone mineral balance.
11/8/2010 6:00:00 AM
''Nothing Brings Me Joy Like Running Does''
Safety Tips for Exercising in the Dark
The shorter daylight hours means many of us will be required to do our workouts at night, but by taking precautions and wearing the proper gear hopefully we can all stay safe.
11/6/2010 8:00:59 AM
Gear Up: The $10 Fitness Accessory You Need for Spring and Fall
Although this inexpensive item may not be part of your workout wardrobe yet, it should be!
11/5/2010 11:00:00 AM
''I'm Just So Tickled That I Can Actually Run!''
Let's Help Stop Diabetes during American Diabetes Month
Nearly 24 million adults and children in the U.S. are living and thriving with diabetes. November is American Diabetes Association to share ways we can all help Stop Diabetes.
11/4/2010 11:46:36 AM
Fitness is a Journey Not a Destination
I used to think “Someday when I’m thin, I’ll ______.” I was waiting to live. Well, guess what? Life is happening now, not 10 pounds from now.
11/4/2010 5:16:30 AM
Survey: Kashi Wants to Know What You Know about Protein
Protein is an essential part of a healthy breakfast, as you know. That's we paired up with Kashi to find out what you think (and what you know) about protein!
11/3/2010 6:00:00 PM
VIDEO: 4 Fun Exercises You Can Do with Your Kids
These four activities are fun for kids--and real exercise for parents!
11/3/2010 5:00:00 AM
Vegetarian Recipes for the Slow Cooker
Looking for some new ways to spice up your slow cooker recipes? We've rounded up a variety of vegetarian recipes for the slow cooker that are quick, easy, and full of flavor!
11/2/2010 4:30:44 PM
Pumpkin: Fresh vs. Canned
This time of year, pumpkins are aplenty. But when should you choose canned over fresh? And how do you cook a fresh pumpkin?
11/2/2010 5:33:52 AM
VIDEO: Double Your Weight Loss with One Simple Trick
In this short video, Coach Nicole explains the benefits of an easy-to-use weight management tool!
A Getting-Started Guide to CSAs
Are you eager to join the local food movement, but not sure where to start? Follow these six tips.
15 Natural Mood Lifters
These natural mood-lifters will put that pep back into your step--without a doctor's prescription.
Welcome November with Tasty Apple Tarts
Fall is the time for pumpkins, of course, but also for apples. That's why it's the perfect time to make these healthy apple treats!
11/1/2010 11:44:03 AM
Is Psychology the Key to Better School Nutrition?
Many children and teenagers resist well-intentioned lunch line interventions. Can new strategies help reduce the childhood obesity problems?
11/1/2010 5:56:04 AM
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