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New Articles and Blogs
Why Eggs Are Egg-cellent
Confused about eggs? You're not alone. Find out if eggs offer all the nutrition and health benefits you'd egg-spect.
VIDEO: Do You Know Your Back Pain Facts?
Sooner or later most of us will experience some type of back pain. Do you know your back pain facts? Watch this short video to quiz yourself about this common ailment.
60-Second Health and Fitness Boosters
If you've got a minute to spare, you can improve your health and fitness almost instantly with these quick and easy steps!
Video: Roasted Root Veggies, a Fall Favorite
To celebrate the change in season, I want to share a new video with you: Roasted Root Vegetables, the recipe for which was inspired by our dare to get you to love vegetables.
10/18/2010 4:04:57 PM
Tricks for Healthier Halloween Treats
Instead of candy this year that pulls you away from your goals, use these tricks to offer fun and healthy treats.
10/18/2010 5:00:00 AM
9 Ways to Tidy Your Budget—and Your Home
Should Runners Be Classified According to Weight?
For years runners have been classified according to age, however, many races are now allowing heavier runners to vie for awards by classifying them according to their weight.
10/16/2010 9:25:57 AM
An Easy Way to Battle the Common Cold
Recently I read about one simple technique that could alleviate some of the symptoms that come with the common cold. I think it’s worth a try.
10/15/2010 10:28:16 AM
6 Calf Exercises for More Shapely Legs
Having shapely calf muscles is something many of us strive for, but also know that by working these muscles, we also gain more strength for walking and running.
10/13/2010 12:32:57 PM
Healthy Eating Tips for Singles: 5 Ideas to Help Your Waistline and Your Wallet
It's not easy to cook and shop for one, but these tips will help you navigate the world full of family-size foods and economy-size supermarket deals!
10/13/2010 6:41:02 AM
Defining Success When You Don’t Want to be the Best
I'll never be fast enough to run with the front of the pack. Although I do like challenging myself, I run because I love it, not because I want to be the best.
10/12/2010 5:49:43 AM
Folate Levels Influence Depression Symptoms
Healthy diets and fortified foods provide adequate folate. Could there be something keeping your body from using it appropriately that increases depression susceptibility?
10/11/2010 6:00:00 AM
Never, Never Let Others Define You
For 32 years I allowed the words of a former teacher to define me as a person, but that all changed when I broke free from those words and proved to the world that I am a runner.
10/9/2010 9:41:18 AM
One Celebrity Who's Happy to be a Healthy Size
It’s easy to think that size 0 is the norm in Hollywood. I’m always pleasantly surprised to hear about successful, famous women who look healthy and are confident about it.
10/8/2010 3:50:21 PM
Diet and Exercise Influence Alzheimer's Disease Risk
The on-going question of how to prevent Alzheimer's disease continues to fuel new investigations. Some specific healthy habits can lower risk. See if your lifestyle measures up.
10/7/2010 10:55:18 AM
Back on the Job, after 4 Years of Disability
On disability since 2006, Beth returns to work part time--and faces some of her biggest fears in the process.
10/7/2010 5:19:34 AM
11 Ways to Have a Scarily Inexpensive Halloween
Member Featured on Today's Joy Fit Club
What a day for SparkPeople! We were featured on "Today," the Woman's Day website and Marie Claire oniline.
10/6/2010 5:00:00 PM
8 Great Stability Ball Exercises
Stability ball exercises are a great way to build better core stabilization and balance while adding a little more challenge to your strength training workout routine.
10/6/2010 1:50:24 PM
7 Fun Ways to Burn Fat this Fall
Get fit and enjoy the outdoors with these fun calorie burners!
10/6/2010 6:00:00 AM
For This Healthy Chef, It All Began with a Walk
Today, Emily is a vegetarian chef and successful blogger about to run her sixth marathon. But five years ago, her health, she says, had been pushed to the back burner.
10/5/2010 5:29:57 PM
Who Says Exercise Won’t Help You Lose Weight?
There are a number of factors that go into determining our size and shape. New research is analyzing the behaviors that can reduce the effect of genetics on weight loss.
10/5/2010 10:11:09 AM
9 Super Fall Salads
Think salads are only for summer? Think again! You’re sure to find a new favorite among these fresh recipes for fall.
10/5/2010 5:29:41 AM
Is It a Cold or Allergies?
Achoo! Is it cold season already, or are you facing seasonal allergies? Here's a simple way to decipher your symptoms so you can feel better fast.
The Sneaky Calories You're Sipping On
Calories from beverages—even seemingly innocent ones like milk, juice and coffee—can add up fast. Sip smarter and avoid beverage self-sabotage with these suggestions.
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