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New Articles and Blogs
''I Walked Off 60 Pounds in the Comfort of My Home!'' *
By walking indoors with the help of walking DVDs, Judi lost 60 pounds in seven months! Now she shares her advice and tips with others who want to walk off the weight without setting foot outside.
'I Lost 16% Body Fat by Walking'
Kiki credits walking for her 47-pound weight loss and reduction to 30% body fat to date. Find out how walking helped her drop the pounds, mentally focus during law school, and reconnect with her husband.
''I Walked From a Size 14 to a Size 8'' *
How to Walk with Proper Form and Technique
Fitness walking can build endurance, strengthen your bones, improve your health profile and help you manage your weight. But the more walking you want do, the more important it becomes to do it right. Learn how to build your walking technique from the ground up.
Walking Workouts with Intervals
Take your walking routine to the next level with intervals to torch even more calories!
''I Haven't Missed a Walk in Over a Year!''
A weight loss challenge at work motivated Rick to walk every single day for more than a year. He's now 40 pounds lighter. Find out how walking helped him lose weight, gain energy and overcome chronic back pain.
''I Walked My Way onto a Magazine Cover!''
At 223 pounds Terrah started walking. After 18 months, she lost 73 pounds and her inspiring story landed her on the cover of a national magazine! Here's how she did it.
Stability Ball Workout Videos
Resistance Band Workout Videos
Announcing A New Service for Our Bravest Readers:
Ask Coach Toughlove
Sometimes support, friendly advice, and sympathy aren't enough. Think you're ready to handle some good old-fashioned toughlove?
Coach Toughlove
is in the house...
11/6/2008 4:58:14 PM
Quick Tips: Home Remedies That Save the Day
Find out which home remedies really work when you're feeling under the weather.
11/6/2008 7:08:16 AM
Nutrition 101: There's a New Super Food in Town!
This new super food is pretty to look at, interesting to eat and distinctive in taste. What is it?
11/5/2008 6:00:00 PM
When Lifestyles Clash
...How do You Handle It?
So, you’ve made peace with your Inner Cookie Monster, and discovered your Inner Athlete. But some "outsiders" aren't too happy with your new lifestyle. How do you handle that?
11/4/2008 5:31:31 PM
Burn It Off: How Many Jumping Jacks to Undo a Halloween Candy Binge?
Before you bite, can you guess how many jumping jacks you'd have to do to undo the damage of a few pieces of candy?
11/4/2008 12:00:00 PM
What Is Quinoa, and How Do I Eat It?
Reader AHHGEE recently asked about quinoa. Read on to find out all about this powerhouse of a grain!
11/4/2008 6:00:00 AM
25 Cheap Foods That Are Good for You!
Food prices may be climbing, but you don't have to sacrifice quality to save money. Some of the healthiest foods are also the cheapest!
Vote with Your Fork
If you think that change only comes from the top and voting only happens at the polls, think again. Every time you eat, you are voting for the company that produced, packaged, and marketed the food on your plate. What do your votes say about your priorities?
What Do You Do with All That Halloween Candy?
Short of just pitching surplus Halloween candy, what do you do with all those sweets?
11/3/2008 12:00:00 PM
Spotted on Supermarket Shelves!
Check out these new products we spotted on supermarket shelves!
11/2/2008 3:00:00 PM
Sleeping In Tomorrow Could Save Your Life
Think shorting yourself on sleep has no effect on your health? Think again!
11/2/2008 6:55:35 AM
The Benefits of Massage Therapy
At one time, a massage was considered a luxury for many; but today many athletes and non-athletes alike no longer consider them luxuries but a necessity to help speed recovery.
11/1/2008 6:01:23 AM
Will a Tough Economy Expand Your Waistline?
More people that ever are struggling to make ends meet. But recent studies show that a shrinking wallet might actually have the opposite effect on your waistline.
10/31/2008 3:28:18 PM
Time for Some Calorie-Free Halloween Fun!
Happy Halloween! Find out how many calories are in your favorite candy, and play a funny (calorie-free) game!
10/31/2008 12:00:00 PM
Grab Your Dumbbells to Work Out Like Britney Spears
Get the exact moves that Britney uses to tone up!
10/31/2008 7:00:00 AM
Long John Silver's Debuts Healthier Menu
Long John Silver's, a fast food restaurant known for seafood that's batter dipped and deep fried, has debuted a healthier menu.
10/30/2008 12:00:00 PM
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