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New Articles and Blogs
75 Ways to Keep You and Your Family Healthy
Look back at the best healthcare advice for you, your kids, your husband and your pets that Woman's Day has gotten since 1937.
3/26/2012 6:00:00 AM
Can I Cook Rice in the Slow Cooker?
Chef Meg's top 3 slow cooked grain slow cooker techniques.
3/24/2012 2:00:00 PM
Food Showdown: Which Fish Sandwich is the Best Catch?
Which sandwich should you go fishing for this Lenten season?
3/24/2012 10:00:00 AM
How to Avoid the Mindless Munchies
Many of us turn to snacks when we are under stress and anxiety, but by turning to others who can relate to our situation, we may be able to forgo the snack attack.
3/23/2012 10:00:00 AM
Book Review: 'Coffee Is Good For You'
One minute a food is good for you, the next minute you hear it's bad. How do you make sense of it all? This book (which our editors loved) may be able to help.
3/23/2012 6:00:00 AM
VIDEO: 20-Minute Fat Blasting Workout
Torch fat and get fitter with this efficient 20-minute workout!
The SparkGuy™ Experience
Why You Should Drag Your Reluctant Teen to the Dinner Table
Dietitian Becky shares the benefits of family mealtime--and how to make it more bearable with your teenager.
3/22/2012 2:00:00 PM
Challenge Central: One Stop to Help You Meet Your Goals
Are you looking for that extra push or motivation to help you reach your goals? Find out about SparkPeople Challenges and how they can help you!
3/22/2012 10:00:00 AM
A Message from Your Future Self
There comes a time in our lives when we need to let go of the past so that we can move forward to the future.
3/22/2012 6:00:00 AM
Put on the Armband, Take off the Pounds
Find out how BodyMedia armbands, combined with SparkPeople's tools and community, can help you achieve success.
3/21/2012 10:00:00 AM
Eat More Veggies, Appear More Attractive?
Strange but apparently true: If you eat lots of orange veggies, your skin turns slightly yellow, and it might make you seem more attractive to others.
3/21/2012 10:00:00 AM
How to Create the Perfect Workout Playlist
Take your workout to the next level with a perfectly crafted playlist!
Why I Hoop (Hula, That Is)
Learn about MOSTMOM1's unexpected love of hula hooping and how it keeps her going!
3/20/2012 6:00:00 PM
5 Lessons Therapy Has Taught Me
Therapy has taught me so much about embracing the life I am meant to live even with all its ups and downs.
3/20/2012 2:00:00 PM
Is it Possible to Grow Thicker Skin?
I’ve always been a sensitive person. Sometimes that’s a good trait to have, because I feel like it makes me more empathetic towards others. Sometimes it’s not so good.
3/20/2012 6:00:00 AM
Where Do You Get Your Motivation?
Vanity and health reasons are two big motivators to keep us inspired to continue on our quest for a healthier life. What is yours?
3/19/2012 10:00:00 PM
The Real Deal with 'Pink Slime'
Pink slime has been all over the news. Use these practical steps to reduce it in your diet.
3/19/2012 2:00:00 PM
What's In Your Fridge? Show Us (You Could Get a Kindle)
Take a photo of your fridge, pantry or shopping cart and email it to us. If we share yours on the site, you could receive a Kindle Fire ($199 value) or a collection of our books!
3/19/2012 10:00:00 AM
6 Things Your Patient Advocate Wants You to Know
Learn how to save money on medical bills, get your doctor to return your calls and more.
3/19/2012 6:00:00 AM
Video: Chef Meg’s Spice Blends
Chef Meg collects spices the way some women collect shoes. These zero-calorie, fat-free flavor boosters are her secret weapons for delicious healthy food.
3/18/2012 2:00:00 PM
The Surprising Final Leg of My Weight-Loss Journey
Stepfanie shares the story of how she finally found what works for her, helping her to lose the last 15 pounds and keep them off--and ending her disordered eating habits.
3/18/2012 10:00:00 AM
This Month's Best Member Blogs
A review of some of this month's best member blogs. Which one is your favorite?
3/18/2012 5:00:00 AM
Spread the Spark on Race Day!
Race season is almost here! Get your spring race gear from the SparkPeople store to spread the Spark while you run!
3/17/2012 2:00:00 PM
Does Healthy Cooking have to be Complicated?
Someday I’d love to learn to really cook, where I can throw together a bunch of random ingredients in my refrigerator to create a delicious meal. But I’m not at that point yet.
3/16/2012 2:00:00 PM
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